
Expert HSPOT rendering of WaveCalNoChop (see description below for more details). The procedure will place the SPECTRO virtual aperture P02_0 at the nominal RA,DEC. The offsets yoffset,zoffset can be used to place the virtual aperture elsewhere on the sky.

Input variable(s) with default value(s):

obs PacsCal_WaveCalNoChop {
    /* Needed variables to call WaveCalNoChop */
    string fltPOS = "POS A"; //Filter wheel position 0="POS A", 1="POS B"
    int grat_start = 500000; // grating start position for scan\
    int grat_stepsize = 200; // grating step size
    int grat_numsteps = 50;  // number of grating steps in one direction
    int grat_numramps = 3;   // number of ramps per grating position
    int chop_def = 648;      // chopper position during grating scan
    int nb_rdout_ramp = 64;  // number of readouts per ramp
    int num_updown = 1;      // number of grating updown scans
    int grat_def = 496000;   // position of grating after the scan
    int capa_red = 12; // Red capacitor
    int capa_blu = 12; // Blue capacitor
    double bias_r_blu = 0.01; // Bias "r" blue
    double bias_r_red = 0.01; // Bias "r" red
    double bias_d_blu = 0.198; // Bias "d" blue
    double bias_d_red = 0.069; // Bias "d" red
    int nb_samp_subramp_blu = 64; // Nb of blue samples per sub-ramp
    int nb_samp_subramp_red = 64; // Nb of red samples per sub-ramp
    double yoffset = 0.0;         // yoffset [arcsec]
    double xoffset = 0.0;         // xoffset [arcsec]
    double ra = 0.0;              // RA
    double dec = 0.0;             // DEC

Called module: [wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/WaveCalNoChop WaveCalNoChop]