Generate PACS DetectorSelection Table

Loading Detector Selection Tables via CUS

There is a CUS procedure to upload a detector selection table to PACS (either SPECTRO or PHOTO). Selection tables are stored in the CUS database as U-CAL files.

The script to read these U-CAL files is called PACS_Det_sel (see listing in Appendix A); its CUS usage is simply


to upload the table 4002 for instance.

The CUS line command :

cus -defcmds PACS_Det_Sel("PACSDetSel_4002")

can be used to list the TCs that will be uplinked to PACS.

U-CAL files representing detector selection tables are called PACSDetSel_xxx, where xxx represents the detector selection number.

The CUS directory for U-CAL files is currently in


Existing DetSel tables are

CALU/PACSDetSel_100   CALU/PACSDetSel_4002  CALU/PACSDetSel_4006
CALU/PACSDetSel_2001  CALU/PACSDetSel_4003  CALU/PACSDetSel_4007
CALU/PACSDetSel_2300  CALU/PACSDetSel_4004  CALU/PACSDetSel_4008
CALU/PACSDetSel_4001  CALU/PACSDetSel_4005  CALU/PACSDetSel_4009

To import a U-CAL table into the CUS registry, use the following command line directive:

pacs/cus> cus -f -uploadcal CALU/PACSDetSel_4002

for instance.