Differences between revisions 7 and 9 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 7 as of 2007-03-26 07:24:44
Size: 5992
Editor: KentWzorek
Revision 9 as of 2007-03-29 15:01:31
Size: 3312
Editor: Michael
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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=== * 10002: Spectrometer Selection. Red and Blue with right FOV column deselected ===
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PACS DetectorSelectionTables for ILT


* 10002: Spectrometer Selection. Red and Blue with right FOV column deselected

  • attachment:10002.jpg

* 10001: Spectrometer Selection Test. Arbitrary, fully asymetric pattern

  • attachment:10001.jpg

* 10000: All Pixels valid: This is used to reset the SPU!

  • attachment:10000.jpg

* 9999: Bolometer Selection Test. Arbitrary, fully asymetric pattern

  • attachment:9999.jpg

* 9998: Bolometer Selection Test. Arbitrary, fully asymetric pattern

  • attachment:9998.jpg

* 9997: Bolometer Selection Test. Arbitrary, fully asymetric pattern

  • attachment:9997.jpg

* 7602: Spec: 14 random pixels/ Bolo: 14 random pixels

  • Tests: 0.7.3(spec); 0.7.6(spec/bolo); 1.2.16(spec) attachment:7602_specblue.jpg attachment:7602_specred.jpg attachment:7602_photblue.jpg attachment:7602_photred.jpg

* 7601: Spe: Resistor pixels/ Bolo: 16 random pixels

  • Test: 1.2.4 (spec) attachment:7601_specblue.jpg attachment:7601_specred.jpg attachment:7601_photblue.jpg attachment:7601_photred.jpg

* Procedure to generate a PacsDetectorSelectionTable

* The guideline is not to use CQM or other DetectorSelectionTables from the past.

* Have a look whether you may use an existing DetectorSelectionTable :

* In case you have to define your own DetectorSelectionTable you need to get a number for it

  • All DetectorSelectionTables for FM ILT are 10000 and consecutive numbers. On the WIKI page (point 2) you find the last used number. People which are used to CVS may use CVS, of course.

* Make your DetectorSelectionTable with :

  •   IA>>from herschel.pacs.spu.edit import *
    A shortcut for this syntax is on the way.

* From within the Editor you give the ID Number (step 3) and save the <IdNumber>.dxset and <IdNumber>.tcl scripts

* If you do not have CVS send the files <IdNumber>.dxset and <IdNumber>.tcl to :

* Diego will :

  • convert the .dxset file to a CUS file using the PCSS Tool : toolboxes/common/Dxset2CusTask.py
  • maintain the CUS DetectorSelectionTables for FM Testing

  • notify the originator that everything is prepared and the DetectorSelectionTable is ready for uplink.

* Ekki and Michael will :

Herschel: PACS/FM_ILT_Procedures/DetectorSelectionTables (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:37 by localhost)