Naming Conventions and Logic of PV/commissioning phase CUS scripts
This page will describe the new Naming Conventions and the Logic used for writing PV/Commissioning phase scripts
Naming Conventions
1- observations should be called either:
* PacsEng_Name : observations with no_pointing requests
* PacsCal_Name : observations on sky (with a real pointing request)
Rem: "underscore" can be used as well within the name.
No "_OBS" is required because by definition a PacsEng or a PacsCal scrpt is an observations
2- there is no recommandation for naming procedures and bluiding blocks. BUT for consistency, and for identification in the database (both for us and the HSC): PACS_Name or Pacs_Name
3- By defaults, exporting scripts form CUS creates a .txt ascii file, please keep this extension.
Logic for CUS scripts defined for the PV/Commissioning phase
The CUS top level scrips: PacsEng and PacsCal should be kept as ascetic as possible: i.e. they should contains as little as possible. All computations, logic and checks should be self contained in procedures and building blocks. The idea is to keep a modular structure of the scripts. This is a bad naming example for the procedures though
calls: WaveCalNoChop
calls: Pacs_HardLimitsCheck, PacsSpecSlewCal, WaveCalChop, ["SPEC_aot_epilogue"]
IST/SFT translation
The IST/SFT scripts have been thus translated as follow:
* scripts including only a simple proc/block call: e.g.
CONF_phot_fltw_OBS has been translated into PacsEng_CONF_fltw calling simply CONF_phot_fltw
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_Setup_OBS has been translated into PacsEng_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_Setup calling PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_Setup(diag_hk_period)
* scripts which had a more complex structure, e.g.
PACS_Chopper_SFT_Warm_OpenLoop_OBS was too complex to be translated directly into a PV phase script. So it was modified to become a procedure and the be called as such by PacsEng_Chopper_SFT_Warm_OpenLoop