Differences between revisions 4 and 10 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2008-02-13 13:08:22
Size: 2927
Editor: dcesarsky
Revision 10 as of 2008-02-15 12:03:35
Size: 2865
Editor: dcesarsky
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/procedure WaveCalNoChop { procedure WaveCalNoChop {
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[wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/ int grat_start = 500000; // grating start position for scan\     int grat_start = 500000; // grating start position for scan\
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[wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SPEC_fltw_move  SPEC_fltw_move] [wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SpecFltwMove SPEC_fltw_move]
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[wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SPEC_spu_resetSPEC_spu_reset] [wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SPEC_spu_reset SPEC_spu_reset]
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[wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SPEC_spu_setup SPEC_spu_setup] [wiki:Self:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SpecSpuSetup SPEC_spu_setup]


// Purpose       :  Wavelength calibration and instrumental profile
// CUS author    : HF
// Description   :  Uses OBCP28 for executing a parameterized scan of any length, stepsize etc.
//                       Represents a generic non-chopped grating scan
/// Dependencies  : SPEC_heater, SPEC_cre_setup
/// Preconditions : PACS must be on and configured for spectroscopy
// Comments      : Can be run for wavelength calibration, instrumental profile and ghost search
// Version       : 0.
// History
// 0.1 21-sep-2007 DAC adapted from IST's Wave_Cal (converted from "mode" to
//                 "procedure")
// 0.2 14-jan-2008 DAC Added bias_r... input variables; read CS positions as
//                 for AOTs, viz. from CHOPPERCSparams; removed "duree" code
// 0.3 15-jan-2008 Renamed to WaveCalNoChop (in preparation for WaveCalChop)

Input variable(s):

procedure WaveCalNoChop {
    string fltPOS = "POS A"; // Filter wheel position (0="POS A", 1="POS B")
    int grat_start = 500000; // grating start position for scan\
    int grat_stepsize = 200; // grating step size
    int grat_numsteps = 50;  // number of grating steps in one direction
    int grat_numramps = 3;   // number of ramps per grating position
    int chop_def = 648;      // chopper position during grating scan
    int nb_rdout_ramp = 64;  // number of readouts per ramp
    int num_updown = 1;      // number of grating updown scans
    int grat_def = 496000;   // position of grating after the scan
    int capa_red = 12;       // Red capacitor
    int capa_blu = 12;       // Blue capacitor
    double bias_r_blu = 0.01;  // Bias "r" blue
    double bias_r_red = 0.01;  // Bias "r" red
    double bias_d_blu = 0.198; // Bias "d" blue
    double bias_d_red = 0.069;  // Bias "d" red
    int nb_samp_subramp_blu = 64; // Nb of blue samples per sub-ramp
    int nb_samp_subramp_red = 64; // Nb of red samples per sub-ramp

The following scripts are needed to schedule this module:

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/DMC_grat_scan_nochop DMC_grat_scan_nochop]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/Msec2sec Msec2sec]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/OBCP_grat_scan_nochop OBCP_grat_scan_nochop]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SPEC_cre_setup SPEC_cre_setup]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SpecFltwMove SPEC_fltw_move]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SPEC_heater_setup SPEC_heater_setup]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SPEC_spu_reset SPEC_spu_reset]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/SpecSpuSetup SPEC_spu_setup]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/WriteBBID WriteBBID]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/WriteEndBB WriteEndBB]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/WriteEndID WriteEndID]

[wiki:PACS/CUSPVscripts/WriteOBSID WriteOBSID]

Herschel: PACS/CUSPVscripts/WaveCalNoChop (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:38 by localhost)