
Top level building block to command PACS from safe mode to ready for photometry conditions. Note that data collection (i.e. SPU started) is not done by this script; SPU has to be started elsewhere by the PHOT_spu_setup script.

// Purpose       : Perform Setup Photometry according to TM's input:
//                 Scripts:
//      a) tm_phot_dpu_dmc_setup.tcl  <phot_hk 1, syn_source 4>
//      b) tm_phot_mec_setup.tcl      <phot_filter_wheel_id 1,
//                                     chop_def_pos 0, temp_bb1 800000
//                                     temp_bb2 920000 >
//      c) tm_phot_sequencer_setup.tcl
//      d) tm_phot_polar_bestM7_setup.tcl
//         (Setting of optimal polarisations in the cold 0.3K)
//      e) tm_phot_change_datamode.tcl  <"Bolo & HK">
//      f) tm_phot_change_seq_mode.tcl  <"Sbolo-Sref">
//      g) PACS_Phot_Gain_high.tcl
//         (gain setting  <"high">)
//      h) tm_phot_spu_setup.tcl   <comp_mode_blue 0, comp_mode_red 0
//                                  spus_nraw 3, spul_nraw 3>
// Version       : 3.0
// History:
// 0.1 DAC 22-apr-2005
// 0.2 DAC 25-apr-2005 New default: Do not start SPU
// 1.0 TM  12-apr-2006, update for FM with new settings
// 1.1 TM  08-aug-2006, new procedure to read bias tables in [V]
// 1.2 TM  10-oct-2006, autonomy function added
// 2.0 DAC 17-oct-2006 Use BIAS tables in volts, eliminate useless
//                     timing calculation, call with BIAS table name and
//                     initial filter position, initial CS temperatures
// 2.1 TM 08-Nov-2006 add the switch on of the groups
// 2.2 TM 08-Nov-2006 autonomy function 17 added
// 2.3 TM 08-Nov-2006 autonomy functions modified again (moved to PHOT_switchon_groups)
// 2.4 TM 10-Nov-2006 default bias table changed, low gain
// 2.5 13-nov-2006 Use RAW bias tables
// 2.6 15-nov-2006 Using volts again
// 2.7  8-dec-2006 Add temperature autonomy function
// 2.8  5-mar-2007 update for chopper, CSs
// 2.9  4-apr-2007 TM: number of raw channels set to zero
// 3.0  9-apr-2007 TM & KO: update of AFs
// 3.1  9-apr-2007 TM & KO: AF 15 taken out again

Input variable(s):

int[] block PHOT_setup PACS 200 {
    string calUfile = "BOLObias_preILT_standard_low"; //BIAS table name
    string fltPOS = "POS A" in ["POS A","POS B"]; // Filter wheel position
    double tempCS1 = 48.0;
    double tempCS2 = 58.0;

Herschel: PACS/CUSPVscripts/PHOT_setup (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:36 by localhost)