MIB labels in the database for the FM ILT have the following format:
FM_ILT_MIB_PPacsUnit_PacsMajorVersion-PacsMinorVersion_EEgseMajorVersion-EGSEMinorVersion_CCdmssimMajorVersion-CdmssimMinorVersion |
PacsUnit |
either "N" for nominal or "R" for redundant |
PacsMajorVersion |
a number specifying the major version of the PACS MIB release |
PacsMinorVersion |
a number specifying the minor version of the PACS MIB release |
EgseMajorVersion |
a number specifying the major version of the EGSE MIB release |
EgseMinorVersion |
a number specifying the minor version of the EGSE MIB release |
CdmssimMajorVersion |
a number specifying the major version of the CDMS simulator MIB release |
CdmssimMinorVersion |
a number specifying the minor version of the CDMS simulator MIB release |
Example: FM_ILT_MIB_PN8-9_E0-20_C0-4
PACS MIB version 8.9 for the nominal unit
EGSE MIB version 0.20
CDMS simulator MIB version 0.4