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   1 import pyfits as pf
   2 import numpy as np
   3 import scipy.optimize as opt
   4 from scipy.stats.distributions import chi2
   5 ###units 1000 if ksec, 1 if sec!
   6 s2u = 1.
   7 def heaviside(x):
   8     return 0.5 * (np.sign(x) + 1)
  10 def compute_variability_parameters(rate, rate_err, time, tstart):
  11   # read the values in the binned light curve
  12   # (time is measured from tstart)
  14   BestfitPar = BestfitParameters(time, rate, rate_err)
  16   # extract the chi2 test statistics with its associated P-value
  17   # for a rate model linear in time
  18   BestfitPar.FitLinear()
  19   # for a rate model quadratic in time
  20   BestfitPar.FitFlare()
  21   # for a constant rate model with an eclipse
  22   BestfitPar.FitEclipse()
  23   return BestfitPar
  25 class BestfitParameters:
  26   def __init__(self, X=[], Y=[], Y_err=[]):
  27     self.N_points = len(X)
  29     self.__X = X
  30     self.__Y = Y
  31     self.__Y_err = Y_err
  33     self.Linear = []
  34     self.Flare = []
  35     self.Eclipse = []
  37     self.Hdu = 0
  38     self.Hdr = []
  41   def FitLinear(self):
  42     self.Linear = compute_chi2_linear(self.__Y, self.__Y_err, self.__X)
  44   def FitFlare(self):
  45     self.Flare = compute_chi2_flare(self.__Y, self.__Y_err, \
  46         self.__X)
  48   def FitEclipse(self):
  49     self.Eclipse = compute_chi2_eclipse(self.__Y, self.__Y_err, \
  50         self.__X)
  53 def compute_chi2_linear(rate, rate_err, time):
  54   n_points = np.size(rate)
  55   epsilon = 1.e-8
  56   chi2_TS = -1.; chi2_prob = -1.;
  57   cons = 0.; cons_err = -1.
  58   lin = 0.; lin_err = -1.
  59   chi2_dof = n_points - 2
  60   if chi2_dof <= 0:
  61     print 'linear fit notice: not enough bins, skip'
  62     return [chi2_TS, chi2_prob, chi2_dof, cons, cons_err, lin, lin_err]
  63   # extract the chi2 test statistics with its associated P-value
  64   drate = [np.sqrt(epsilon + d ** 2.) for d in rate_err]
  65   params = opt.leastsq(residual_linear, x0=[0.,0.], \
  66       args=(rate, drate, time), full_output=True)
  67   # get parameters and errors only if leastsq converged
  68   if params[1] is not None and params[4] > 0 and params[4] < 5:
  69     if params[1][0][0] >= 0. and params[1][1][1] >= 0.:
  70       cons = params[0][0]
  71       cons_err = np.sqrt(params[1][0][0])
  72       lin = params[0][1] * s2u
  73       lin_err = np.sqrt(params[1][1][1]) * s2u
  74       offsets = residual_linear(params[0], rate, drate, time)
  75       chi2_TS = np.inner(offsets, offsets)
  76       chi2_prob = chi2.sf(chi2_TS, chi2_dof)
  77     else:
  78       print 'linear fit error: negative values for errors squared'
  79   else:
  80     print 'linear fit warning: leastsq did not converge'
  81   if chi2_TS >= 0.:
  82     print 'linear fit: Slope=%.3g+/-%.2g Const=%.3g+/-%.2g chi2(%d)=%.1f' % \
  83         (lin, lin_err, cons, cons_err, chi2_dof, chi2_TS)
  84   return [chi2_TS, chi2_prob, chi2_dof, cons, cons_err, lin, lin_err]
  88 def compute_chi2_flare(rate, rate_err, time):
  89   n_points = np.size(rate)
  90   epsilon = 1.e-8
  91   chi2_TS = -1.; chi2_prob = -1.;
  92   norm = 0.; norm_err = -1.
  93   t_burst = 0.; t_burst_err = -1.
  94   t_decay = 0.; t_dec_err = -1.
  95   cons = 0.; cons_err = -1.
  96   chi2_dof = n_points - 4
  97   if chi2_dof <= 0:
  98     print 'flare fit notice: not enough bins, skip'
  99     return [chi2_TS, chi2_prob, chi2_dof, \
 100         cons, cons_err, norm, norm_err, t_burst, t_burst_err, t_decay, t_dec_err]
 101   # extract the chi2 test statistics with its associated P-value
 102   drate = [np.sqrt(epsilon + d ** 2.) for d in rate_err]
 103   constr = get_flare_constraints(time)
 104   # get a first guess of the global minimum by brute force
 105   params = locate_flare(rate, drate, time, constr)
 106   # follow up only if there is a flare
 107   if params[1] is not None and params[0][0] > 0.:
 108     params = opt.leastsq(residual_flare, x0=params[0], \
 109         args=(rate, drate, time, constr), full_output=True)
 110     # get parameters and errors only if leastsq converged
 111     if params[1] is not None and params[4] > 0 and params[4] < 5:
 112       if params[1][0][0] >= 0. and params[1][1][1] >= 0. \
 113           and params[1][2][2] >= 0. and params[1][3][3] >= 0.:
 114         norm = params[0][0]
 115         norm_err = np.sqrt(params[1][0][0])
 116         t_burst = params[0][1] / s2u
 117         t_burst_err = np.sqrt(params[1][1][1]) / s2u
 118         t_decay = params[0][2] / s2u
 119         t_dec_err = np.sqrt(params[1][2][2]) / s2u
 120         cons = params[0][3]
 121         cons_err = np.sqrt(params[1][3][3])
 122         chi2_TS = res_square_flare(params[0], rate, drate, time, constr)
 123         chi2_prob = chi2.sf(chi2_TS, chi2_dof)
 124       else:
 125         print 'flare fit error: negative values for errors squared'
 126     else:
 127       print 'flare fit warning: leastsq did not converge'
 128   else:
 129     print 'flare fit warning: brute did not converge'
 130   if chi2_TS >= 0.:
 131     print 'flare fit: Norm=%.3g+/-%.2g Time_Burst=%.3g+/-%.2g Time_Decay=%.3g+/-%.2g Const=%.3g+/-%.2g chi2(%d)=%.1f' % \
 132         (norm, norm_err, t_burst, t_burst_err, t_decay, t_dec_err, cons, cons_err, chi2_dof, chi2_TS)
 133   return [chi2_TS, chi2_prob, chi2_dof, \
 134       cons, cons_err, norm, norm_err, t_burst, t_burst_err, t_decay, t_dec_err]
 136 def compute_chi2_eclipse(rate, rate_err, time):
 137   n_points = np.size(rate)
 138   epsilon = 1.e-8
 139   chi2_TS = -1.; chi2_prob = -1.;
 140   t_init = 0.; t_init_err = -1.
 141   t_exit = 0.; t_exit_err = -1.
 142   drop = 0.; drop_err = -1.
 143   cons = 0.; cons_err = -1.
 144   chi2_dof = n_points - 4
 145   if chi2_dof <= 0:
 146     print 'eclipse fit notice: not enough bins, skip'
 147     return [chi2_TS, chi2_prob, chi2_dof, \
 148         cons, cons_err, drop, drop_err, t_init, t_init_err, t_exit, t_exit_err]
 149   # extract the chi2 test statistics with its associated P-value
 150   drate = [np.sqrt(epsilon + d ** 2.) for d in rate_err]
 151   constr = get_eclipse_constraints(time)
 152   # get a first guess of the global minimum by brute force
 153   params = locate_eclipse(rate, drate, time, constr)
 154   # follow up only if there is a flare
 155   if params[1] is not None and params[0][0] > 0.:
 156     params = opt.leastsq(residual_eclipse, x0=params[0], \
 157         args=(rate, drate, time, constr), full_output=True)
 158     # get parameters and errors only if leastsq converged
 159     if params[1] is not None and params[4] > 0 and params[4] < 5:
 160       if params[1][0][0] >= 0. and params[1][1][1] >= 0. \
 161           and params[1][2][2] >= 0. and params[1][3][3] >= 0.:
 162         drop = params[0][0]
 163         drop_err = np.sqrt(params[1][0][0])
 164         t_init = params[0][1] / s2u
 165         t_init_err = np.sqrt(params[1][1][1]) / s2u
 166         t_exit = params[0][2] / s2u
 167         t_exit_err = np.sqrt(params[1][2][2]) / s2u
 168         cons = params[0][3]
 169         cons_err = np.sqrt(params[1][3][3])
 170         chi2_TS = res_square_eclipse(params[0], rate, drate, time, constr)
 171         chi2_prob = chi2.sf(chi2_TS, chi2_dof)
 172       else:
 173         print 'eclipse fit error: negative values for errors squared'
 174     else:
 175       print 'eclipse fit warning: leastsq did not converge'
 176   else:
 177     print 'eclipse fit warning: brute did not converge'
 178   if chi2_TS >= 0.:
 179     print 'eclipse fit: Drop=%.3g+/-%.2g Time_Init=%.3g+/-%.2g Time_Exit=%.3g+/-%.2g Const=%.3g+/-%.2g chi2(%d)=%.1f' % \
 180         (drop, drop_err, t_init, t_init_err, t_exit, t_exit_err, cons, cons_err, chi2_dof, chi2_TS)
 181   return [chi2_TS, chi2_prob, chi2_dof, \
 182       cons, cons_err, drop, drop_err, t_init, t_init_err, t_exit, t_exit_err]
 183 def locate_eclipse(rate, drate, time, constr):
 184   n_points = np.size(rate)
 185   n_steps = 12
 186   ti_min, te_max, dtime = constr
 187   tirange = slice(ti_min, te_max-dtime, 2.*(te_max-ti_min)/n_points)
 188   terange = slice(ti_min+dtime, te_max, 2.*(te_max-ti_min)/n_points)
 189   r_min = np.min(rate)
 190   r_max = np.max(rate)
 191   r_ave = np.mean(rate)
 192   crange = slice(r_ave, r_max, (r_max-r_ave)/float(n_steps))
 193   drange = slice(0., r_max-r_min, (r_max-r_min)/float(n_steps))
 194   return opt.brute(res_square_eclipse, \
 195       ranges=(drange, tirange, terange, crange), \
 196       args=(rate, drate, time, constr), full_output=True)
 198 def get_eclipse_constraints(time):
 199   dtime = (time[1] - time[0]) / 2.
 200   if time[-1] - time[0] > dtime:
 201     ti_min = time[0] + dtime
 202     te_max = time[-1] - dtime
 203   else:
 204     tave = (time[-1] + time[0]) / 2.
 205     ti_min = tave - dtime / 2.
 206     te_max = tave + dtime / 2.   
 207   return ti_min, te_max, dtime
 209 def bind_eclipse_params(params, constr):
 210   ti_min, te_max, dt = constr
 211   d, ti, te, c = params
 212   if ti < ti_min:
 213     ti = ti_min
 214   elif ti > te_max - dt:
 215     ti = te_max - dt
 216   if d < 0.:
 217     d = 0.
 218   if te < ti + dt:
 219     te = ti + dt
 220   elif te > te_max:
 221     te = te_max 
 222   return d, ti, te, c
 224 def residual_eclipse(params, y, dy, x, constr):
 225   d, ti, te, c = bind_eclipse_params(params, constr)
 226   dt = 2. * constr[2]
 227   # center and duration of the eclipse
 228   tc = (ti + te) / 2.
 229   dur = te - ti
 230   # this way, also partially eclipsed bins are considered
 231   y_mod = c - d * np.clip(((dt+dur)/2. - np.fabs(x-tc)) / dt, 0., 1.)
 233   return (y - y_mod) / dy
 235 def res_square_eclipse(params, y, dy, x, constr):
 236   residuals = residual_eclipse(params, y, dy, x, constr)
 237   return np.inner(residuals, residuals)
 239 def locate_flare(rate, drate, time, constr):
 240   n_points = np.size(rate)
 241   n_steps = 12
 242   tb_min, tb_max, dtime = constr
 243   tbrange = slice(tb_min, tb_max, 2.*(tb_max-tb_min)/n_points)
 244   tdrange = slice(tb_min, (tb_min+tb_max)/2., (tb_max-tb_min)/float(n_steps))
 245   r_min = np.min(rate)
 246   r_max = np.max(rate)
 247   r_ave = np.mean(rate)
 248   crange = slice(r_min, r_ave, (r_ave-r_min)/float(n_steps))
 249   nrange = slice(0., r_max-r_min, (r_max-r_min)/float(n_steps))
 250   return opt.brute(res_square_flare, \
 251       ranges=(nrange, tbrange, tdrange, crange), \
 252       args=(rate, drate, time, constr), full_output=True)
 254 def get_flare_constraints(time):
 255   dtime = (time[1] - time[0]) / 2.
 256   tb_min = (time[0] + time[1]) / 2.
 257   tb_max = (time[-3] + time[-2]) / 2.
 258   return tb_min, tb_max, dtime
 260 def bind_flare_params(params, constr):
 261   tb_min, tb_max, dt = constr
 262   n, tb, td, c = params
 263   if tb < tb_min:
 264     tb = tb_min
 265   elif tb > tb_max:
 266     tb = tb_max
 267   if n < 0.:
 268     n = 0.
 269   if td < dt:
 270     td = dt
 271   elif td > 1.e6:
 272     td = 1.e6
 273   return n, tb, td, c
 275 def residual_flare(params, y, dy, x, constr):
 276   n, tb, td, c = bind_flare_params(params, constr)
 277   dt = 2. * constr[2]
 278   y_mod = n * np.clip((x - tb) / dt + .5, 0., 1.) * \
 279       np.exp(-1. * np.clip((x - tb) / td, -2., 10.)) + c
 280   return (y - y_mod) / dy
 282 def res_square_flare(params, y, dy, x, constr):
 283   residuals = residual_flare(params, y, dy, x, constr)
 284   return np.inner(residuals, residuals)
 287 def residual_linear(params, y, dy, x):
 288   c, b = params
 289   return (y - (b*x + c)) / dy

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