Description of known differences between SIXTE and eSASS


This page is intended as a place to document the known differences between how the SIXTE simulation code models the response of eROSITA versus the assumptions in the eSASS code, particularly within SRCTOOL.
Note that in some cases it is entirely expected that SIXTE calibration files will differ from their CALDB counterparts. In the case of RMFs this is due to the internal modelling of event splitting/thresholding by SIXTE.

Code and calibration files will change with time, so please include both the SIXTE and the eSASS version numbers in any comments, and include your initials in any additions.

Differences in calibration files

PSF model(s)

Comparison between SIXTE instrument description v1.4.0 vs eSASS CALDB as at 15/02/2018 (TD)

Redistribution functions (RMF)

Comparison between SIXTE instrument description v1.4.0 vs eSASS CALDB as at 15/02/2018 (TD)

SIXTE RMF: All-patterns:

CALDB RMF: All-patterns

Ratio CALDB/SIXTE: All Patterns
(colour scale: linear, range=[0:1.5], magenta=NaN)

SIXTE RMF FM* all valid patterns)

CALDB RMF FM* all valid patterns)

(CALDB RMF/SIXTE RMF), all valid patterns)





CALDB RMF FM* singles)

CALDB RMF FM* doubles)

CALDB RMF FM* triples)

CALDB RMF FM1 quads)

Differences in modelling the instrument

Just out of field sources (SIXTE v2.1.1 - SRCTOOL v*)

On 25/06/2018 08:32, Thomas Dauser wrote:

Sixte uses this value just to select the sources for which it creates
photons. For sources within this FoV photons are created and thrown onto
the detection plane / CCD. It will only be detected, however, if it
actually hits the CCD. Meaning if you set the value to 2 degrees you
should get the same results, just the simulation takes longer as many
photons are created which will never hit the CCD.

So, this value should not change anything in the simulation, as the
instrumental setup is given with the size of the CCD chips and the

Comparison of SIXTE and eSASS definitions of the FoV

Pileup (SIXTE v* - SRCTOOL v*)

Differences in interpolation methods

Differences in calibration file formats and conversion between SIXTE<->CALDB formats

   1    ftcalc ${CALDB_BASE}/${INST}/bcf/${INST}_tvignet_100302v01.fits+1 ${SIXTE_BASE}/${INST}_tvignet_100302v01_sixte.fits THETA "THETA/60.0" clobber=yes mode=q
   2    fparkey "degree" ${INST}_tvignet_100302v01_sixte.fits+1 TUNIT3 mode=q

   1   set OUTFILE = ${SIXTE_BASE}/${INST}_2dpsf_100215v02_sixte.fits
   2   cp ${CALDB_BASE}/${INST}/bcf/${INST}_2dpsf_100215v02.fits ${OUTFILE}
   3   foreach I ($HDU_LIST ) 
   4     set CDELT1 = `ftlist ${OUTFILE}+$I K include=CDELT1   mode=q | awk --field-separator="=" -v fl=$FOCAL_LENGTH  'BEGIN{d2r=4.*atan2(1.,1.)/180.} //{printf("%.6e", fl*$2*(d2r/3600.))}'`
   5     set CDELT2 = `ftlist ${OUTFILE}+$I K include=CDELT2   mode=q | awk --field-separator="=" -v fl=$FOCAL_LENGTH  'BEGIN{d2r=4.*atan2(1.,1.)/180.} //{printf("%.6e", fl*$2*(d2r/3600.))}'`
   6     set ENERGY = `ftlist ${OUTFILE}+$I K include=CBD10001 mode=q | awk --field-separator="=" '//{split($2,a,"-");split(a[1],b,"(");split(a[2],c,")"); x=sqrt(b[2]*c[1]) ;printf("%.6g", x)}'`
   7     set THETA  = `ftlist ${OUTFILE}+$I K include=CBD20001 mode=q | awk --field-separator="=" '//{split($2,a,"-");split(a[1],b,"(");split(a[2],c,")"); x=0.5*(b[2]+c[1]) ;printf("%.6g", x)}'`
   8     set PHI    = "0.0"
   9     fparkey $ENERGY   ${OUTFILE}+$I ENERGY add=yes mode=q
  10     fparkey $THETA    ${OUTFILE}+$I THETA  add=yes mode=q
  11     fparkey $PHI      ${OUTFILE}+$I PHI    add=yes mode=q
  12     fparkey $CDELT1   ${OUTFILE}+$I CDELT1 add=yes mode=q
  13     fparkey $CDELT2   ${OUTFILE}+$I CDELT2 add=yes mode=q
  14     fparkey "m"       ${OUTFILE}+$I CUNIT1 add=yes mode=q
  15     fparkey "m"       ${OUTFILE}+$I CUNIT2 add=yes mode=q
  16   end

Resolved differences

Differences in calibration files

SOLVED: Vignetting model (SIXTE: erosita_vignetting_v2.1.fits, eSASS: fm1_tvignet_100302v01.fits)

Comparison between SIXTE instrument description v1.4.0 vs eSASS CALDB as at 15/02/2018 (TD)

Comparison of vignetting model as a function of off-axis angle
Comparison of vignetting model as a function of energy

SOLVED: Effective area curves (ARF)

Comparison between SIXTE instrument description v1.4.0 vs eSASS CALDB as at 15/02/2018 (TD)

Comparison of ARFs for Telescope modules with only on-chip filter (200nm Al; FM1, FM3, FM4, FM6, FM7) Comparison of ARFs for Telescope modules with both on-chip and on-wheel filter (200nm Al+200nm PI; FM1, FM3, FM4, FM6, FM7) Comparison of ARFs for Telescope modules with only on-wheel filter (200nm Al+100nm PI; FM2, FM5)