Notes on eSASS telecon of 2017-06-12:

Participants: AG, CG, GL, HB, IK, MF, MR, SC, SO, TD

Reviewing minutes of last meeting:


Clarification by IK: tmsplit will work regardless of which of two modes (1: time tags transmitted for all CCD frames; 2: time tags are only transmitted for non-empty ccd frames) is set in the XML file. The mode only determines how the GTI are determined.

We agreed that, as proposed by IK, tmsplit should write a separate FITS file or FITS table extension, containing all CCD frame time tags (already implemented).

IK would like to have actual test data containing the radiocomplex header to confirm that his understanding of the documented format is correct.

There are still some uncertainties regarding the header IDs of the startracker frames. IK will talk to DC.

Triggering the eSASS pipeline: there needs to be a configurable timeout period, such that the eSASS pipeline will be triggered when no new data were processed within the timeout period (e.g., hours). This is needed to make sure that the eSASS pipeline gets triggered for eROdays which were not completed by the end of a ground contact. eROdays which for technical reasons have incomplete or no science data will also be triggered after the timeout period. Additionally the eSASS pipeline will of course be triggered whenever the science data of an eROday are complete.

EXP chain:

HB will implement modifications of exposure maps: effective area correction factors will be folded into the exposure maps (see minutes of science requirements meeting).

DET chain:

We discussed a proposal by KD to use non-vignetted exposure maps in ermldet and to put the vignetting correction and the effective area correction factors in the event table column EV_WEIGHT instead; ermldet will then determine the mean weights of the events in the source extraction area and use those to compute vignetting corrected count rates. This approach will be feasible in the case of event based detection where event data are available in ermldet. Advantage: avoids errors due to the energy dependence of the vignetting and the effective area correction.

Vignetted exposure maps will of course still be created for other purposes (ersensmap, etc).

As a reminder, our planned energy bands for source detection are: 0.2-0.5, 0.5-1.0, 1.0-2.0 (or 2.2), 2.0-10 keV

GL will modify his routines in the eroio library to write additional source table columns to be filled by task apetool.

ersensmap: AG will provide code to GL for averaging the shaplet PSF via the attitude in the CORRATT extension (done).

SOU chain:

The EXTraS variability tools only work out of the box for XMM and may not be suitable for eROSITA. Joern suggested to use the Bamberg ISIS scripts instead (help by Bamberg expert may be needed to use these). Which variability tools should eSASS support?

SC is doing SIXTE simulations of variable sources to test SRCTOOL lightcurves.

eSASS tutorial in Hamburg: will be similar to Ringberg eSASS tutorial. CG prepared a virtual box containing the November eSASS users release with some task updates. For each task scripts to demonstrate the task functionality should be prepared. Both the required input as well as the output datasets of the prepared scripts should be available in the virtual box.