Differences between revisions 4 and 31 (spanning 27 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2013-02-21 10:05:50
Size: 1041
Editor: obelix
Revision 31 as of 2013-05-23 10:28:54
Size: 6519
Editor: obelix
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== v1.1.5 (not yet published) ==
''(Release for Software Verification)''
 * '''kmo_sky_tweak'''
  * Introduction of new recipe.
 * '''Reference Manual'''
  * Updated version.

== v1.1.4 ==
''(intermediate release)''
 * '''kmo_reconstruct, kmo_illumination, kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red, kmo_shift, kmo_rotate, kmo_combine'''
  * Enhancements on flux-conservation. It is switched off as default except in kmo_std_star where we can expect to have a bright object in the IFU.
 * '''kmo_reconstruct'''
  * Fixed bug in OH-line matching.
  * OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction (like in kmo_reconstruct)
 * '''kmo_sci_red'''
  * Enhancements on background-removal for mapping-mode. This feature is off per default since it works best for maps with sparse objects in it.
  * OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction (like in kmo_reconstruct)
 * '''kmo_reconstruct, kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red'''
  * Implemented interpolation of xcal-frames for angles in between the frames. This feature is used as default. To switch it off, set the parameter --xcal_interpolation=FALSE
 * '''kmo_make_image'''
  * Fixed bug: couldn't collapse a SCI_COMBINED frame.
 * '''RTD'''
  * Object- and sky-frame are now first subtracted and then reconstructed (Speed improvement).
 * '''kmo_extract_spec, kmo_make_image, kmo_stats'''
  * Fixed bug regarding gasgano: any category for the 1st input frame is accepted now.

== v1.1.3 ==
''(intermediate release)''
 * '''kmo_illumination'''
  * added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
 * '''kmo_reconstruct, kmo_sci_red'''
  * Flux of reconstructed cubes is scaled according to pixel_scale
 * '''SPARKplug'''
  * Fixed bug: Copying selected frames to lower panel should work now as well on MacOS
 * '''kmo_sci_red'''
  * Fixed bug with --no_subtract: Accepts now as well sky-only frames
 * '''easySPARK-scripts'''
  * Fixed bugs with ESO archive filename scheme

== v1.1.2 ==
''(intermediate release)''
 * '''kmo_combine'''
  * Changed default behaviour: if no IFU or name is specified, all target names are combined and saved (no mapping-mode as default anymore)
 * '''kmo_reconstruct'''
  * OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction
  * added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
 * '''kmo_sci_red'''
  * added --no_combine option
  * added --no_subtract option (implies --no_combine because otherwise IFUs containing skies would be combined with ones with objects in it. With kmo_combine the products can be combined individually afterwards)
  * added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
  * if just a single SCIENCE frame is provided, ALL IFUs (of type R, O and S) are processed

== v1.1.1 ==
''(intermediate release)''
 * '''bug fix:'''
  * All recipes doing reconstruction were failing when reading the calibration frames if angle=0 deg wasn't present
 * '''kmo_std_star'''
  * Doesn't crash anymore when star type is defined wrongly in header keywords
 * '''kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red'''
  * Processes now as well R (along with O and S) in header keyword ESO OCS ARMx TYPE
 * '''kmo_combine, kmo_sci_red'''
  * Added parameter --edge_nan. Sets top/bottom row to NaN, improves results when dithering (like with SINFONI data).
 * '''kmo_reconstruct, kmo_sci_red'''
  * First implementation of improved flux conservation (still to be improved).
 * '''kmo_sci_red'''
  * Added parameter --background. Activate for background removal (to be improved).

== v1.1.0 ==
''(Release for COMM3)''
 * '''kmo_illumination'''
  * Fixed edge effects in ILLUM_CORR. Takes now FLAT_EDGE frame as input to correlate MASTER_FLAT and FLAT_SKY frames. Additional output SKYFLAT_EDGE.
 * '''kmo_reconstruct, kmo_multi_reconstruct, kmo_illumination, kmo_sci_red'''
  * Emit warning if XCAL, YCAL and LCAL frames don't originate from the same calibration set.
 * '''kmo_sci_red'''
  * Emit warning if the parameters b_samples, b_start and b_end aren't the same for LCAL and TELLURIC frames.

== v1.0.9 ==
''(intermediate release for USM, not published here)''
 * '''kmo_illumination'''
  * Ignores now the first exposure of the KMOS_spec_cal_skyflat template which is just for acquisition. With the parameter --add-all it can be forced to be included.
  * Added band-specific spectral ranges used to collapse the cubes in order to create the skies.
 * '''kmo_std_star'''
  * accepts lower case star types
  * corrected WCS in headers of products
  * QC THRUPUT and QC ZPOINT are now calculated on the whole area of the IFU and not only on the masked area
  * QC STD TRACE are now calculated based on the difference of two specified spectral ranges. Before, the whole spectrum was taken into account resulting in inadequate results.
  * Fixed WCS in product headers as well as EXTNAME keyword which caused errors when processing the products in the next steps
 * '''easySPARK'''
  * Fixed bugs in easySPARK_illumination.sh and easySPARK_std_star.sh
  * Added easySPARK_sci_red.sh
 * '''kmo_sci_red'''
  * Increased verbosity on displayed shift parameters
  * For mapping-mode added --fast-mode parameter for a quick preview based on collapsed cubes
  * Added telluric tweaking for 3stdstar-template and if 24-template isn't complete
 * '''kmo_combine'''
  * Increased verbosity on displayed shift parameters
 * '''kmo_fits_strip'''
  * When used with --angle parameter and with calibration files the NAANGLE keywords are now handled correctly
  * Added parameter --empty to remove empty extensions
Line 13: Line 112:
 * '''kmo_flat'''
  * optimised memory usage, needs now less RAM, a bit slower due to disk I/O
Line 16: Line 117:
  * XCAL/YCAL/LCAL contain now all rotator angles in a single file (e.g. xcal_HHH_HHH_60.fits is now called xcal_HHH.fits)
  * Depending on which angles have been provided when creating them, the reconstruction recipes choose automatically the closest angle available.
 * '''enhanced master_flat calculation'''
 * '''new recipe: kmo_fits_strip'''
  * remove noise-, rotator-angles- or empty-extensions
 * countless bugfixes not itemised here
  * XCAL/YCAL/LCAL contain now all rotator angles in a single file (e.g. xcal_HHH_HHH

SPARK Change Log

v1.1.5 (not yet published)

(Release for Software Verification)

  • kmo_sky_tweak

    • Introduction of new recipe.
  • Reference Manual

    • Updated version.


(intermediate release)

  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_illumination, kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red, kmo_shift, kmo_rotate, kmo_combine

    • Enhancements on flux-conservation. It is switched off as default except in kmo_std_star where we can expect to have a bright object in the IFU.
  • kmo_reconstruct

    • Fixed bug in OH-line matching.
    • OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction (like in kmo_reconstruct)
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Enhancements on background-removal for mapping-mode. This feature is off per default since it works best for maps with sparse objects in it.
    • OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction (like in kmo_reconstruct)
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red

    • Implemented interpolation of xcal-frames for angles in between the frames. This feature is used as default. To switch it off, set the parameter --xcal_interpolation=FALSE
  • kmo_make_image

    • Fixed bug: couldn't collapse a SCI_COMBINED frame.
  • RTD

    • Object- and sky-frame are now first subtracted and then reconstructed (Speed improvement).
  • kmo_extract_spec, kmo_make_image, kmo_stats

    • Fixed bug regarding gasgano: any category for the 1st input frame is accepted now.


(intermediate release)

  • kmo_illumination

    • added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_sci_red

    • Flux of reconstructed cubes is scaled according to pixel_scale
  • SPARKplug

    • Fixed bug: Copying selected frames to lower panel should work now as well on MacOS
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Fixed bug with --no_subtract: Accepts now as well sky-only frames
  • easySPARK-scripts

    • Fixed bugs with ESO archive filename scheme


(intermediate release)

  • kmo_combine

    • Changed default behaviour: if no IFU or name is specified, all target names are combined and saved (no mapping-mode as default anymore)
  • kmo_reconstruct

    • OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction
    • added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
  • kmo_sci_red

    • added --no_combine option
    • added --no_subtract option (implies --no_combine because otherwise IFUs containing skies would be combined with ones with objects in it. With kmo_combine the products can be combined individually afterwards)
    • added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
    • if just a single SCIENCE frame is provided, ALL IFUs (of type R, O and S) are processed


(intermediate release)

  • bug fix:

    • All recipes doing reconstruction were failing when reading the calibration frames if angle=0 deg wasn't present
  • kmo_std_star

    • Doesn't crash anymore when star type is defined wrongly in header keywords
  • kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red

    • Processes now as well R (along with O and S) in header keyword ESO OCS ARMx TYPE
  • kmo_combine, kmo_sci_red

    • Added parameter --edge_nan. Sets top/bottom row to NaN, improves results when dithering (like with SINFONI data).
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_sci_red

    • First implementation of improved flux conservation (still to be improved).
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Added parameter --background. Activate for background removal (to be improved).


(Release for COMM3)

  • kmo_illumination

    • Fixed edge effects in ILLUM_CORR. Takes now FLAT_EDGE frame as input to correlate MASTER_FLAT and FLAT_SKY frames. Additional output SKYFLAT_EDGE.
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_multi_reconstruct, kmo_illumination, kmo_sci_red

    • Emit warning if XCAL, YCAL and LCAL frames don't originate from the same calibration set.
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Emit warning if the parameters b_samples, b_start and b_end aren't the same for LCAL and TELLURIC frames.


(intermediate release for USM, not published here)

  • kmo_illumination

    • Ignores now the first exposure of the KMOS_spec_cal_skyflat template which is just for acquisition. With the parameter --add-all it can be forced to be included.
    • Added band-specific spectral ranges used to collapse the cubes in order to create the skies.
  • kmo_std_star

    • accepts lower case star types
    • corrected WCS in headers of products
    • QC THRUPUT and QC ZPOINT are now calculated on the whole area of the IFU and not only on the masked area
    • QC STD TRACE are now calculated based on the difference of two specified spectral ranges. Before, the whole spectrum was taken into account resulting in inadequate results.
    • Fixed WCS in product headers as well as EXTNAME keyword which caused errors when processing the products in the next steps
  • easySPARK

    • Fixed bugs in easySPARK_illumination.sh and easySPARK_std_star.sh
    • Added easySPARK_sci_red.sh
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Increased verbosity on displayed shift parameters
    • For mapping-mode added --fast-mode parameter for a quick preview based on collapsed cubes
    • Added telluric tweaking for 3stdstar-template and if 24-template isn't complete
  • kmo_combine

    • Increased verbosity on displayed shift parameters
  • kmo_fits_strip

    • When used with --angle parameter and with calibration files the NAANGLE keywords are now handled correctly
    • Added parameter --empty to remove empty extensions


(Intermediate release for software developers at USM)

  • kmo_wave_cal'

    • no BADPIXEL_FLAT frame needed anymore
    • fixed memory leaks
  • Added "file_extension" parameter

    • If set, the filenames of the products can be altered. The behaviour for the recipes differs:
      • kmo_arithmetic: provide an arbitrary string to append
      • kmo_dark: set to TRUE or FALSE to append EXPTIME keyword

      • kmo_reconstruct: set to TRUE or FALSE to append OBS_ID keyword

  • kmo_flat

    • optimised memory usage, needs now less RAM, a bit slower due to disk I/O


  • organisation of calibration files

    • XCAL/YCAL/LCAL contain now all rotator angles in a single file (e.g. xcal_HHH_HHH

KMOS-SPARKwiki: Change Log (last edited 2014-11-11 08:05:24 by obelix)