Differences between revisions 38 and 42 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 38 as of 2013-07-24 07:33:05
Size: 7894
Editor: obelix
Revision 42 as of 2013-07-30 12:36:58
Size: 8774
Editor: obelix
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * '''kmo_sci_red'''
  * Bug fix: When using reflex it happend that only the IFUs containing the std-stars were processed (in v1.2.2 this can be fixed by omitting STD_IMAGE from sof)
 * '''kmo_flat'''
  * Fix: Due to the corrupted IFU 16, it occured in some FLAT_ON frames that IFU 15 was vignetted strongly and not all edges could be identified. This is detected now and IFU 15 will be omitted.
 * '''kmo_illumination'''
  * Bug fix: When data contains IFUs marked as NOTUSED and FLAT_EDGE frame is provided, the recipe just fails without any notice. Without FLAT_EDGE frame the recipe runs through
 * '''kmo_fits_strip'''
  * Bug fix: Parameters noise and empty failed on sci_combine-products
  * Added extension-parameter: Provide absolute extension numbers to strip all other extensions
 * '''kmo_fits_check'''
  * Now prints as well the number of empty extensions

SPARK Change Log

v1.2.3 (not yet published)

(intermediate release)

  • kmo_sky_tweak

    • New, advanced recipe for OH-line subtraction
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Bug fix: When using reflex it happend that only the IFUs containing the std-stars were processed (in v1.2.2 this can be fixed by omitting STD_IMAGE from sof)
  • kmo_flat

    • Fix: Due to the corrupted IFU 16, it occured in some FLAT_ON frames that IFU 15 was vignetted strongly and not all edges could be identified. This is detected now and IFU 15 will be omitted.
  • kmo_illumination

    • Bug fix: When data contains IFUs marked as NOTUSED and FLAT_EDGE frame is provided, the recipe just fails without any notice. Without FLAT_EDGE frame the recipe runs through
  • kmo_fits_strip

    • Bug fix: Parameters noise and empty failed on sci_combine-products
    • Added extension-parameter: Provide absolute extension numbers to strip all other extensions
  • kmo_fits_check

    • Now prints as well the number of empty extensions


(intermediate release for Software Verification)

  • reconstruction

    • Bug fix: the implementation of xcal_interpolation accidentially marked internally some areas in the calibration frames as bad. Since these areas had a width of 1 pixel, they were just interpolated from the neighbourhood. Now the values are a little bit more correct.
    • Bug fix: the implementation of cubic spline (CS) interpolation in the reconstruction of data cubes led from time to time to misfitted spectra, mostly at the borders of the IFUs. Pronounced spectral bell-curves were the result.
  • kmo_std_star

    • Bug fix: Due to the NGC using a wrong data type for CRPIX, CRVAL and CD keywords (integer instead of double) in the RAW frames, no standard stars could be processed.


(bug fix)

  • kmo_multi_reconstruct

    • The new calibration format containing multiple angles was ignored processed wrongly. For the calibration frames always the first angle present has been used in the past.


(Release for Software Verification)

  • Reference Manual

    • Updated version.
  • several bug fixes related to SW release management


(intermediate release)

  • kmo_sci_red

    • Bug fix: Failed when OH_SPEC was provided
  • reconstruction

    • No more spikes at the beginning and end of reconstructed spectra (with cubic spline)


(intermediate release)

  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_illumination, kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red, kmo_shift, kmo_rotate, kmo_combine

    • Enhancements on flux-conservation. It is switched off as default except in kmo_std_star where we can expect to have a bright object in the IFU.
  • kmo_reconstruct

    • Fixed bug in OH-line matching.
    • OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction (like in kmo_reconstruct)
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Enhancements on background-removal for mapping-mode. This feature is off per default since it works best for maps with sparse objects in it.
    • OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction (like in kmo_reconstruct)
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red

    • Implemented interpolation of xcal-frames for angles in between the frames. This feature is used as default. To switch it off, set the parameter --xcal_interpolation=FALSE
  • kmo_make_image

    • Fixed bug: couldn't collapse a SCI_COMBINED frame.
  • RTD

    • Object- and sky-frame are now first subtracted and then reconstructed (Speed improvement).
  • kmo_extract_spec, kmo_make_image, kmo_stats

    • Fixed bug regarding gasgano: any category for the 1st input frame is accepted now.


(intermediate release)

  • kmo_illumination

    • added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_sci_red

    • Flux of reconstructed cubes is scaled according to pixel_scale
  • SPARKplug

    • Fixed bug: Copying selected frames to lower panel should work now as well on MacOS
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Fixed bug with --no_subtract: Accepts now as well sky-only frames
  • easySPARK-scripts

    • Fixed bugs with ESO archive filename scheme


(intermediate release)

  • kmo_combine

    • Changed default behaviour: if no IFU or name is specified, all target names are combined and saved (no mapping-mode as default anymore)
  • kmo_reconstruct

    • OH-line matching based on a reference OH-spectrum improving object-sky subtraction
    • added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
  • kmo_sci_red

    • added --no_combine option
    • added --no_subtract option (implies --no_combine because otherwise IFUs containing skies would be combined with ones with objects in it. With kmo_combine the products can be combined individually afterwards)
    • added --pix_scale parameter for arbitrary pixel resolution in reconstructed cubes
    • if just a single SCIENCE frame is provided, ALL IFUs (of type R, O and S) are processed


(intermediate release)

  • bug fix:

    • All recipes doing reconstruction were failing when reading the calibration frames if angle=0 deg wasn't present
  • kmo_std_star

    • Doesn't crash anymore when star type is defined wrongly in header keywords
  • kmo_std_star, kmo_sci_red

    • Processes now as well R (along with O and S) in header keyword ESO OCS ARMx TYPE
  • kmo_combine, kmo_sci_red

    • Added parameter --edge_nan. Sets top/bottom row to NaN, improves results when dithering (like with SINFONI data).
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_sci_red

    • First implementation of improved flux conservation (still to be improved).
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Added parameter --background. Activate for background removal (to be improved).


(Release for COMM3)

  • kmo_illumination

    • Fixed edge effects in ILLUM_CORR. Takes now FLAT_EDGE frame as input to correlate MASTER_FLAT and FLAT_SKY frames. Additional output SKYFLAT_EDGE.
  • kmo_reconstruct, kmo_multi_reconstruct, kmo_illumination, kmo_sci_red

    • Emit warning if XCAL, YCAL and LCAL frames don't originate from the same calibration set.
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Emit warning if the parameters b_samples, b_start and b_end aren't the same for LCAL and TELLURIC frames.


(intermediate release for USM, not published here)

  • kmo_illumination

    • Ignores now the first exposure of the KMOS_spec_cal_skyflat template which is just for acquisition. With the parameter --add-all it can be forced to be included.
    • Added band-specific spectral ranges used to collapse the cubes in order to create the skies.
  • kmo_std_star

    • accepts lower case star types
    • corrected WCS in headers of products
    • QC THRUPUT and QC ZPOINT are now calculated on the whole area of the IFU and not only on the masked area
    • QC STD TRACE are now calculated based on the difference of two specified spectral ranges. Before, the whole spectrum was taken into account resulting in inadequate results.
    • Fixed WCS in product headers as well as EXTNAME keyword which caused errors when processing the products in the next steps
  • easySPARK

    • Fixed bugs in easySPARK_illumination.sh and easySPARK_std_star.sh
    • Added easySPARK_sci_red.sh
  • kmo_sci_red

    • Increased verbosity on displayed shift parameters
    • For mapping-mode added --fast-mode parameter for a quick preview based on collapsed cubes
    • Added telluric tweaking for 3stdstar-template and if 24-template isn't complete
  • kmo_combine

    • Increased verbosity on displayed shift parameters
  • kmo_fits_strip

    • When used with --angle parameter and with calibration files the NAANGLE keywords are now handled correctly
    • Added parameter --empty to remove empty extensions


(Intermediate release for software developers at USM)

  • kmo_wave_cal'

    • no BADPIXEL_FLAT frame needed anymore
    • fixed memory leaks
  • Added "file_extension" parameter

    • If set, the filenames of the products can be altered. The behaviour for the recipes differs:
      • kmo_arithmetic: provide an arbitrary string to append
      • kmo_dark: set to TRUE or FALSE to append EXPTIME keyword

      • kmo_reconstruct: set to TRUE or FALSE to append OBS_ID keyword

  • kmo_flat

    • optimised memory usage, needs now less RAM, a bit slower due to disk I/O


  • organisation of calibration files

    • XCAL/YCAL/LCAL contain now all rotator angles in a single file (e.g. xcal_HHH_HHH

KMOS-SPARKwiki: Change Log (last edited 2014-11-11 08:05:24 by obelix)