Differences between revisions 2 and 6 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2008-02-01 07:22:43
Size: 2638
Editor: ThomasOtt
Comment: add disk layout
Revision 6 as of 2008-05-21 09:17:42
Size: 3359
Editor: ThomasOtt
Comment: update for hardy
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 93: Line 93:
swig swig xterm adobereader-enu alpine
Line 95: Line 95:
 * Edit the following configuration files:
 * Upgrade all packages
aptitude save-upgrade

 * save xorg.conf configuration file!
 * Edit the configuration files by copying: mpebase.tgz, mpedesktop.tgz, irdesktop.tgz from ott@irmail and extracting from the root directory in that order
 * In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, insert UsePrivilegeSeparation no to make AFS login get a token automatically

 * last steps:
  add ph1.uni-koeln.de to /etc/openafs/CellServDB:
                >ph1.uni-koeln.de # University of Cologne

  create group ir with id 206:
                addgroup --gid 206 ir

 * set root passwd
 * delete user created during installation: userdel <user>
 * set link for scisoft:
  ln -s /afs/mpe.mpg.de/i386_linux24/scisoft6.1 /scisoft
 * reboot
  • Boot installation from Kubuntu-gutsy CD and chose "install". The disk layout is as follows:



Mounted on













  • Configure network
  • aptitude install openssh-server (then you can work remotely)
  • Copy sources.list: sudo -i; cd /etc/apt;

wget http://debian.mpe.mpg.de/sources.list-gutsy; mv sources.list-gutsy sources.list; aptitude update

  • Install the following packages (FAIBASE):

linux-generic cfengine2 cron debconf-utils discover file hdparm less nfs-common nscd rsync openssh-client openssh-server strace sysutils tcsh time exim4 eject locales language-pack-en console-common pciutils usbutils

  • Install the following packages (MPE_BASE):

postfix mailx mutt fai-client ntpdate ntp-simple lsb-release dnsutils sun-java5-jre tivsm-ba gsfonts-x11 man-db manpages cupsys-bsd vim sudo openafs-modules-generic openafs-client openafs-kpasswd libpam-openafs-kaserver

  • Install the following packages (MPE_DESKTOP):

xserver-xorg-video-intel usplash kubuntu-artwork-usplash kubuntu-desktop sun-java5-plugin koffice dolphin mailody language-pack-kde-en language-pack-en language-support-en iamerican ibritish language-pack-kde-de language-pack-de language-support-de kde-i18n-de koffice-i18n-de tcsh fvwm ftp ncftp jpeg2ps nano emacs xemacs21 vim-gtk nedit joe firefox lynx nvu mozilla-thunderbird acroread tetex-bin tetex-extra tetex-doc mgp kdvi kile prosper auctex latex-beamer a2ps ncompress gv xfig xv saods9 gimp graphicsmagick-imagemagick-compat flpsed msttcorefonts libmotif3 libncurses4 mozilla-browser mozilla-mailnews mozilla-psm gfortran g++ gcc g77 make gdb libtool autoconf automake1.9 flex bison exuberant-ctags diffstat patchutils svk subversion libx11-dev libqt3-mt-dev libcfitsio-dev libreadline5-dev rlwrap fftw-dev sfftw-dev fftw3-dev kdesdk docbook2x sqlite3 python-pysqlite2 python-matplotlib python-gtk2 sm grace6 pgplot5 gnuplot gnuplot-x11 gnuplot-doc yorick yorick-doc kstars sqlite3 python-apsw octave lapack3 lapack3-dev perl-doc scribus kdict pine korn kweather kmoon kcpuload helix-player flashplugin-nonfree w32codecs mplayer libdvdcss2 codeine xine-ui libxine-extracodecs vorbis-tools libarts1-mpeglib libarts1-xine libakode2-mpeg gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly mjpegtools flac

  • Install the following packages (IR_DESKTOP):

swig xterm adobereader-enu alpine

  • Upgrade all packages

aptitude save-upgrade

  • save xorg.conf configuration file!
  • Edit the configuration files by copying: mpebase.tgz, mpedesktop.tgz, irdesktop.tgz from ott@irmail and extracting from the root directory in that order
  • In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, insert UsePrivilegeSeparation no to make AFS login get a token automatically

  • last steps:
    • add ph1.uni-koeln.de to /etc/openafs/CellServDB:
      • >ph1.uni-koeln.de # University of Cologne #data.ph1.uni-koeln.de

      create group ir with id 206:
      • addgroup --gid 206 ir
  • set root passwd
  • delete user created during installation: userdel <user>

  • set link for scisoft:
    • ln -s /afs/mpe.mpg.de/i386_linux24/scisoft6.1 /scisoft
  • reboot

IT: KubuntuDesktop (last edited 2009-09-01 10:14:27 by AchimBohnet)