Copying Pools with Rsync


* [#install Software installation]

* [#batch Configuring as a Batch Job]

* [#examples Examples]

* [wiki:PACS/RsyncAdmin Data Pool Rsync Administration]


Level 0 product pools are created from data queried from the ICC's Versant database and stored as product pools on a computer accessible by other internal and extern nodes, including machines at Sub-ICC institutes. The ICC, where the pools are created and maintained, runs an rsync daemon having assess to the product pools they create from their Versant database. A client-side, rsync script, transferPools, is used to list and get pools.

Sets of related product pools are stored as rsync modules that that have simple access names, like ILT, PV, OPS, etc. Module names may also designate just part of a mission phase, a week number for instance, so you could have PV17, PV18, and so on. Modules with smaller sets of data pools may make data pool management easier.

You can use transferPools interactively or in batch mode. Interactively, you can list modules, list pools, and get a single pool, or a group of them. You can define a batch job to work on a module, or some named part of it. The batch job periodically gets new files, updates existing ones and deletes those that no longer exist on the server, giving you a mirror of what's on the server.

The transferPools Script

transferPools is a bash script that runs an rsync command. You need a Unix, Linux or Mac OS to run the script. The script uses rsync to list and transfer groups of files, typically one or a group of data pools.

Running interactively from the command line, the scrip can:

  1. Display command usage.
  2. List rsync data pool modules names and descriptions.
  3. List directories and files within a module. The view can be the entire module or just part of it.
  4. Get directories and files within a module. These files are synchronized with the pool at the ICC so they're the same, including updates and deletes. You can get part off a module, a single data pool if you like.

Run as a batch job, you can automate the get command. In batch mode, the script also produces daily logs so you can monitor what's happening.

Command Syntax

transferPools Display command usage and exit. transferPools test [<module>[<path>] <local path>]

  1. transferPools test Connects to the daemon and prints the list of modules. Use this to make sure you have to network difficulties and to make sure the daemon is running.

  2. transferPools test [<module>[<path>] <local path>] Creates the supporting file structure used with a CRON job. It also tests the rsync command without copying any data. See [#cron Creating a CRON Job] for details.

transferPools list <module>[/<path within module>] List the files with a pool. If a path is included as well, the listing is limited to those items in that path.

  1. transferPools list List the data pool modules names and descriptions.

  2. transferPools list <module> List the files and directories directly under this module.

  3. transferPools list <module>/<path within module> Limit what's returned to those items at the path level.

transferPools rlist <module>[/<path within module>] It works like the list option, but it recursively displays all sub-directories and files below the specified module and path.

transferPools copy <module>[<path>] <local path> Use this command to make a single copy of all the files in the pool, or those under the module path if it's also specified. The local path is the root directory under which sub-directories and files are written. Copy is recursive.

transferPools <module>[<path>] <local path> Use this command as a CRON job. Along with copying the files, it sets-up logging and blocks itself from running again if it's last invocation is still running. See [#batch Configuring as a Batch Job] for details.

Command Options

You can list and copy groups of files with this script, but you can't write with them. In fact, the rsync daemon at the ICC will not allow you to write to any of the pools there.

When the commands connect to the ICC rsync daemon, a password is supplied. The transferPool script uses the password found in the $ICC_RSYNC_HOME/password file. This file is created when you [#install install] the software.

The daemon only accepts commands from allowed machines and networks. If you're having connection problems, run the command transferPools test. If nothing happens, check that your machine is allowed to connect to the ICC daemon.

The batch mode version of the command adds, updates and deletes files that are not found at the ICC. The batch command gives you a mirror of the ICC site's pools as they change with time. If you are going to alter or add files in a pool, it's best to make your own working copy. On the other hand, if you get files interactively, files are only added and updated. Files are never deleted. So the interactive commands provide your own view of a pool, while the batch command pools provide a mirror copy of the ICC's pools.

If there are symbolic links within the pool directory hierarchy at the ICC, they're copied to the local pool.


Software Installation

  1. The ICC rsync daemon is secure, so before you begin, contact your ICC.
    1. You need to give them:
      1. The IP addresses of the computers or subnets that will access their rsync daemon.
      2. The names and passwords of users that will connect to the ICC rsync daemon. (These are only used for connecting to the daemon and should not be the same values used for local login accounts.)
    2. By default, the transferPools script contacts the ICC rsync daemon using TCP port 44520. If your ICC uses a different port, you need to set that number as the value of the environmental variable ICC_RSYNC_PORT.

1. For each computer running transferPools at your site:

  1. Make sure the machine has a copy of rsync by executing the command rsync --version. You should see something like this:

    > rsync --version
    rsync  version 2.6.3  protocol version 28
    Copyright (C) 1996-2004 by Andrew Tridgell and others
    Capabilities: 64-bit files, socketpairs, hard links, symlinks, batchfiles, 
                  inplace, IPv6, 64-bit system inums, 64-bit internal inums
  1. Create a directory named icc-rsync. Software, log files, and other administrative files go there.

    1. Save the absolute path, including icc-rsync in the environmental variable ICC_RSYNC_HOME.

    2. Include ICC_RSYNC_HOME in your PATH so you can run the script from anywhere.

    3. Download a copy of transferPools from here and place it in the icc-rsync directory. Change the permissions so you, or everyone in your group, can read and execute it. Here's the user/group version of the command:

      > chmod 0550 transferPools
  2. Change to the icc-rsync directory and create and edit a file named password. Enter the password, but not the user names, given to you by your ICC that allows you to access their rsync daemon. Use just one password per icc-rsync installation. Secure the password file. If you're the only user, the command is

    • > chmod 0400 password
      If your group is using the password, the command is:
      > chmod 0440 password

Testing Your Configuration

Make sure the basic configuration works, which includes

  1. Connectivity to the ICC rsync daemom
    1. No problems with firewalls.
    2. Password file in place and correct password.
    3. ICC daemon properly defined in the script and running at the ICC.
    4. Proper TCP port number used.
  2. Local definition of the environmental variable ICC_RSYNC_HOME defined.
  3. $ICC_RSYNC_HOME is included in your PATH environmental variable setting.

To check all of this, logout, log in again, and run the following command from your home directory:

> transferPools test
Connecting using TCP port 44520 to
ICC_RSYNC_HOME: /local/home/pacspools/icc-rsync
Module list:
pools           Sub-ICC's get copies of Pacs Product Pools

If you dont' get something like this, go through the installation steps again.

To gain a little experience, try the same command; but this time add the name of one of the modules in the list returned to you just now. For example:

> transferPools test pools
Connecting using TCP port 44520 to
ICC_RSYNC_HOME: /local/home/pacspools/icc-rsync
File list:
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/08/14 02:36:01 .
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/07/30 07:01:07 simple.pacs_calibration_products
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/08/16 02:28:15 simple.pacs_standard_products_fmilt
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/08/02 05:40:36 simple.standard

You're now set-up for interactive use to transferPools. See the [#examples Examples] section to get you started.

In the next section, we configure transferPools to run in batch mode.


Configuring transferPools as a Batch Job

Use a batch job to mirror all, or part, of an ICC data pool module.

You can run the script interactively with one of the keyword commands. When you don't supply a keyword, the script is designed to run as a CRON job that executes at regular time intervals in the background.

Start by setting-up the crontab entry. The syntax for a command that runs once per hour, on the hour, is:

00 * * * * transferPools <pool>[<path>] <local path> 

You invoke crontab as you would the vi editor and insert one or more entries. When done, exit with the command :x <return>. Here's an example that runs the transferPools script once an hour, on the hour. It synchronizes your data pool set with those in the ICC rsync module. By synchronize, we mean it adds, updates and deletes files, so that you copy is the same as the one at the ICC. For the example, we'll use the PV module data pools. The last argument is the local diectory where rsync copies the module.

> crontab -e
00 * * * * transferPools PV /pacs/pools/pv

Different instances of transferPools can run different modules. Suppose that PV data is separated into a sequence of modules, PV11, PV2,.... We can run an rsync instance for each module, or just some of them by defining multiple instance of the script. (A script is made unique by the module name associated with it. This is important as we'll see shortly.)

In the following example the instances are started at staggered times: 0, 10 and 20 minutes past the hour. Each script runs once per hour

> crontab -e
00 * * * * transferPools PV1 /pacs/pools/pv_1
10 * * * * transferPools PV2 /pacs/pools/pv_2
20 * * * * transferPools PV3 /pacs2/pools/pv_3

You can view the commands you have in crontab with this command:

> crontab -l

To remove the commands from crontab, use this:

> crontab -r

Once the commands are defined in crontab, your system runs them at the specified times.

Batch Job Administrative Support

When you run transferPools as a CRON job, it creates a directory with the name of the module you supplied with the command. The icc-rsync directory structure looks like this.

   |-<module name>
          |   |
          |   |-logDay
          |   |-Sunday
          |   |-Monday
          |   |-...

We've already described the password file. Each running command creates a subdirectory using the module name supplied with the command. The subdirectory contains:

  1. logs/ A directory where the script's log files are kept. There's a log file for each day of the week. After seven days, the oldest log file is overwritten. Each time the script is run, it makes an entry in the current day's log file.

  2. logDay This is a file within the logs directory. Don't change it. It contains the name of the current day. The script uses it to determine when to switch log files.

  3. writeLock This file only exist while the rsync command executes. It contains the script's PID. Another pool specific instance of the script won't start as long as the writeLock file exist. (You can also test for the existence of the file. You may not want to copy files while rsync is copying and updating files from the ICC.)

    Tip: If you copy pools to another location, check for the writeLock file before starting. While this doesn't guarantee that you won't copy files while the CRON job is running, it could start again while you're still copying, in practice it should work if you do the following:

    1. Check for the writeLock file and if not there start to copy.

    2. Once finished, immediately check for the writeLock file again.

      1. If not there, you're copy is fine.
      2. If it is there, wait until is disappears and then start over.

Cron Job Log Files

Each log file starts with the day's header. Each time the script runs during the day, a new, time-stamped entry is logged. Here's an example of the beginning of log file Friday.log for 24 August 2007. (The date format is: YYYYMMDDThhmm.)

        TransferPools log file for Friday, 20070824T1639
        Products located in: /pacs/PacsProductPools/pools

        ***** 20070824T1639: starting rsync *****
        building file list ... done

        sent 21 bytes  received 20 bytes  82.00 bytes/sec
        total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
        20070824T1639: PACS product pool transfer rsync error 23.

        ***** 20070824T1646: starting rsync *****
        receiving file list ... done
        20070824T1646: PACS product pool transfer rsync error 20.

        ***** 20070824T1744: starting rsync *****
        receiving file list ... done

Each file transfered is listed in the logs. (This means the log files can grow to be quite large. They are deleted after a week, so there's a limit to the growth; but the size can still be substantial.) Error message are reported in the log and sent to the list of email addresses defined in the transferPools script, see the [#install Software Installation] section for more about that.



Display the command syntax.

> transferPools 
Usage: transferPools
       transferPools list [<module>[/<path within module>]]
       transferPools rlist [<module>[/<path within module>]]
       transferPools get <module>[<path within module>] <local path>
       transferPools test <module>[<path within module>] <local path>
       transferPools <module>[<path within module>] <local path>

Run the configuration test for interactive use.

> transferPools test
Connecting using TCP port 44520 to
ICC_RSYNC_HOME: /local/home/pacspools/icc-rsync
Module list:
pools           Sub-ICC's get copies of Pacs Product Pools

List modules.

> transferPools list
pools           Sub-ICC's get copies of Pacs Product Pools

List what's in a module.

> transferPools list pools
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/08/14 02:36:01 .
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/07/30 07:01:07 simple.pacs_calibration_products
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/08/16 02:28:15 simple.pacs_standard_products_fmilt
drwxr-x---        4096 2007/08/02 05:40:36 simple.standard

List what's in a module directory.

> transferPools list pools/simple.pacs_standard_products_fmilt/*
drwxr-x---      200704 2007/08/25 07:02:19 herschel.ia.dataset.Product
-rwxr-x---     1465587 2007/08/25 07:02:19 herschel.ia.dataset.Product.attrib
-rwxr-x---    14328512 2007/08/25 07:02:19 herschel.ia.dataset.Product.meta

Recursively list a pool's contents, including the meta data and attributes files.

> transferPools rlist pools/simple.pacs_standard_products_fmilt/herschel.ia.dataset.Product* | less
drwxr-x---      200704 2007/08/25 07:02:19 herschel.ia.dataset.Product
-rwxr-x---     1465587 2007/08/25 07:02:19 herschel.ia.dataset.Product.attrib
-rwxr-x---    14328512 2007/08/25 07:02:19 herschel.ia.dataset.Product.meta
-rwxr-x---       42916 2007/08/14 02:36:01 herschel.ia.dataset.Product/0
-rwxr-x---       44004 2007/08/14 02:36:03 herschel.ia.dataset.Product/1

Get the pool we just listed. Write the results to /tmp/pacs. If there are updates later, we can use the same command again. New files will be added, changed files updated, and deleted files removed.

> transferPools get pools/simple.pacs_standard_products_fmilt/herschel.ia.dataset.Product* /tmp/pacs
> ls -R /tmp/pacs
herschel.ia.dataset.Product  herschel.ia.dataset.Product.attrib  herschel.ia.dataset.Product.meta

0   100    10001  10004  10007  1001   10012  10015  10018  10020  10023  10026  10029  10031  10034  10037
1   1000   10002  10005  10008  10010  10013  10016  10019  10021  10024  10027  1003   10032  10035  10038
10  10000  10003  10006  10009  10011  10014  10017  1002   10022  10025  10028  10030  10033  10036  10039