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*[wiki:Self:PACS/Rsync Copying Pools with Rsync] *[wiki:Self:PACS/RsyncAdmin Data Pool Rsync Administration] |
*[[PACS/Rsync|Copying Pools with Rsync]] *[[PACS/RsyncAdmin|Data Pool Rsync Administration]] |
PACS Data Pools
Populate and access a local PacsPool
Script to populate a local PACS Pool starting from TM Files or Database
from binstruct import * from spg import * from herschel.pacs.spg import ProcessObservationTask # Populate Pacs Pool starting from file(s) f = "" #c = populatePacsPool(filename=f, poolName ="Level0Test1", poolType="LocalStore", noObsid = True) #c = populatePacsPoolFromFiles(f, 111, "Level0Test1") # Populate Pacs Pool starting from Database #c = populatePacsPoolFromFiles(poolName = "Level0Test1", startDirectory="..") #c = populatePacsPoolFromDatabase(poolName = "Level0Test2", database="pacs_fm_ilt_3@pacs5") c = populatePacsPoolFromDatabase(536874110l, "pacs_fm_ilt_3@pacs5", "Level0Test2") # Open a "Store" for a certain PacsPool (you may specify many Pools) lstore = LocalStoreFactory.getStore("Level0Test2") store = ProductStorage() store.register(lstore) # # OPen the GUI and "go shopping" # result = browseProduct(store) # My result of shopping (much less then going with Tina) print result.size() # Get Observation Context # obsCont = result[0].product # Extract level 0 data level0 = obsCont.level0 print level0 # Extract Herschel Pacs Photometer AVEraged Blue data (frames) frames = level0.refs["HPPAVGB"].product.refs[0].product print frames # Extract Herschel Pacs OGSE HouseKeeping data hk = level0.refs["HPOGSEHK"].product.refs[0].product["HPOGSEHKS"] # What does it contain ? print hk # Extract a certain value print hk["BB1_Heat_Power"] # Export to Fits (for Helmut, but may find it also in Pool) fa=FitsArchive() p=Product() p["ogse"] = hk"ogse.fits",p) p2 = fa.load("ogse.fits") print p2["ogse"]["BB1_Heat_Power"] # # Access data by command line # query = MetaQuery(ObservationContext, 'h', 'h.meta["obsid"].value == 536874110') results = print results.size() # obsCont = results[0].product level0 = obsCont.level0 print level0 frames = level0.refs["HPPAVGB"].product.refs[0].product print frames