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← Revision 14 as of 2009-07-15 14:32:37 ⇥
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1. Conditions
All tests described can be executed from SAFE MODE of from SPECTROSCOPY. As these tests do not ensure that the grating remains configured with senseful controller parameters, it is safe to end them by sending the SAFE MODE OBCP
One should care that the DPU_HK_LIST command has been commanded to "SPEC - BOTH". This is performed by the PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS.cus script.
Their analysis relies only on HK & diagnostic HK data.
2. Amplitude
The amplitude of the excitation of the inductosyn (& sine and cosine) has to be adjusted first. The amplitude can be adapted by manual commanding with the following command DMC_WRT_GRAT_INDUC_AMPL. The following procedure runs a loop over 10 values of the amplitude which should surround the correct value.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_SINCOS_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Ampl_Loop_OBS |
Loops over various amplitudes & performs +/- 10 degrees movements for each |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
3. PID
3.1. First Check
The first test's purpose is to check that a given set of parameters provides the most basic stability. The test consists in writing the paramters, enabling the grating for a few seconds, and desabling it.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk1khz_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Cont_Check_1_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow=<default> |
Write all parameters, enables for a few seconds |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
3.2. Second Check
The second check is a variation of the first one. It is about the same, except for the addition of a grating movement.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk1khz_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Cont_Check_2_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow=<default> |
Write all parameters, enable, performs a grating movement of -10 degrees, disable |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
3.3. PID Loop
All the following tests loop over a serie of sets of grating PID parameters. The acquisition of Diaghk in there can be performed at 200Hz (PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk1khz_Setup_OBS) or at 1KHz (PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk1khz_Setup_OBS). 200Hz is actually sufficient.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk1khz_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
CONF_grating_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow="FMILTFast" |
Configures the grating with default parameters |
198 |
PACS_Spec_Gra_PID_loop_OBS |
A reasonable grid of PID parameters must be hardcoded |
619 |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
Execution Date : Phase I : 20061107 to 20061109 Phase II :
Status : Phase I : OBSW updates needed. Test needs to be rerun @ Phase II Phase II :
The following test loops over a serie of sets of grating PID parameters as well. Each time only 10 small movements are performed, three loops are nested, over sets of Kp, Ki & Kd respectively => ALL POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS OF THE INPUT PID PARAMETERS WILL BE TESTED. High Ki/Kp ratios have proven very unstable. Too high Kd as well.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_SINCOS_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
CONF_grating_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow="FMILTFast" |
Configures the grating with default parameters |
198 |
PACS_Spec_Gra_PID_loop_Short_OBS |
A reasonable grid of PID parameters must be hardcoded |
~20/PID |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
When a reasonnable set of Kp,Ki,Kd has been found, the vicinity of that set in the PID space can be explored in more detail with the following procedure, which makes a restricted number of movements all over the grating range for each set of parameters => more time consuming (PACS_Spec_Gra_PID_loop_FR_OBS calls PACS_Spec_Gra_Tune_PID for each set of parameters)
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_SINCOS_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
CONF_grating_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow="FMILTFast" |
Configures the grating with default parameters |
198 |
PACS_Spec_Gra_PID_loop_FR_OBS |
A reasonable grid of PID parameters must be hardcoded |
~200/PID |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
4. Grating Behaviour Characterisation
Once a possibly acceptable set of PID parameters has been found, the grating behaviour should be characterised in all its aspects. This is the goal of the following tests.
4.1. Grating Healthcheck
This test homes the grating a number of times, on both sides of the grating range, and performs large amplitude movements in between. It allows to check for the grating range, the presence or absence of hard points in the path, the behaviour of the driving current throughout the range and it allows to establish the GRAT_CUR_POS vs HALL A & B characteristics.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_SINCOS_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
CONF_grating_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow=<Newset> |
Configures the grating |
198 |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Healthcheck_OBS |
n_homes=3 |
n_homes homings, alternating home[0] & [1] + large movements each time |
670 |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
4.2. Slew Time Cal
This is the main grating characterisation test. It performs series of grating movements of all amplitudes, all over the grating range. It can be coupled to the next sub-test (Tune PID) to gain time.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_SINCOS_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
CONF_grating_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow=<Newset> |
Configures the grating |
198 |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Slew_Time_Cal |
Performs movements of all sizes, throughout the range |
618 |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |
4.3. PID Check ("Tune PID")
This test performs a set of small amplitude movements every 10 degrees of the grating range. If the set of PID that was kept was selected based on PACS_Spec_Gra_PID_loop_FR_OBS, this test doesn't need to be performed, as it was then part of that procedure.
Script |
Parameters |
Comments |
Duration [sec] |
PACS_Spec_HK_Setup_OBS |
Sets DPU HK List to SPEC BOTH |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Diaghk_SINCOS_Setup_OBS |
Starts the grating specific Diaghk flow |
CONF_grating_OBS |
calUname="CONFGrat" calUrow=<Newset> |
Configures the grating |
198 |
PACS_Spec_Gra_Tune_PID |
Climbs the grating range with a set of small movements every 5 degrees |
241 |
PACS_Diaghk_Reset_OBS |