Differences between revisions 3 and 5 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2006-10-24 08:44:34
Size: 1253
Revision 5 as of 2006-10-30 09:09:51
Size: 1172
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 3: Line 3:
== Is TmIngestion still running ? == == PACS 5 ==
== Is TmIngestion still running ? ===
Line 9: Line 10:
If it is not running type

== Check TmSourcePackets arrive and get propagated ==
=== Check TmSourcePackets arrive and get propagated ===
Line 24: Line 20:
== Check disk space and space of the Database == === Check disk space and space of the operational Database ===
Line 32: Line 28:
If necessary expand the size : === Database Backup done ? ===
Line 34: Line 30:
addvol -n extraspace -p /data/versant/db/pacs_fm_ilt_1/extraspace -s 2047M pacs_fm_ilt_1 ssh -X dbsa@pacs5
ls /home/db/dbBck
Line 37: Line 34:

== PACS1 ==

=== Check Disk space and space of the propagated database ===
Line 43: Line 44:

If necessary expand the size :
addvol -n extraspace -p /data/versant/db/pacs_fm_ilt_1_prop/extraspace -s 2047M pacs_fm_ilt_1_prop
Line 68: Line 63:

== PACS2 ==

= Monday Morning checks =
=== QLA running ? ===

Every Morning checks


Is TmIngestion still running ?

  ssh -X oper@pacs5
  ps -elf | grep TmIngestion 

Check TmSourcePackets arrive and get propagated

  ssh -X oper@pacs5
  db2tty -d pacs_fm_ilt_1 | grep TmsourcePackets 
  ssh -X oper@pacs1
  db2tty -d pacs_fm_ilt_1_prop | grep TmsourcePackets 

Check disk space and space of the operational Database

ssh -X oper@pacs5
dbtool -space -volume -all pacs_fm_ilt_1

Database Backup done ?

ssh -X dbsa@pacs5
ls /home/db/dbBck


Check Disk space and space of the propagated database

ssh -X oper@pacs1
dbtool -space -volume -all pacs_fm_ilt_1_prop

Check daily and hourly TmPacketRecorder files

  ssh -X oper@pacs1
  ps -elf | grep TmPacketRecorder 

Check whether Hardware support Monitor runs

ssh -X oper@pacs1
cat /home/jakob/TMMonitor.txt

If not :

ssh -X jakob@pacs1
cd monitor 
jylaunch writeHkNrt.py 


Monday Morning checks

QLA running ?

Herschel: PACS/FM_ILT_Procedures/RoutineChecks (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:38 by localhost)