Differences between revisions 8 and 19 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 8 as of 2006-11-08 13:39:56
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Revision 19 as of 2006-11-09 12:40:59
Size: 10925
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= SFT Warm: Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain =
- '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_Warm_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_Warm'''[[BR]]

- '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchon'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Warm_Startinputsignal_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Warm_Startinputsignal''' (Duration: 637 sec)[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff'''

= SFT at HeI: Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain =
- '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler'''[[BR]]

- '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchon'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal''' (Duration: 637 sec)[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff'''

= SFT at HeII (cooler not recycled): Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain =
- '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler'''[[BR]]

- '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchon'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal''' (Duration: 637 sec)[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset'''[[BR]]
- '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff'''[[BR]]

= Instrument switch-on and connection of the warm electronic boxes =
- currently done with tcl-script '''PACS_Switch_On.tcl''' (maintained by FGB)[[BR]]
- after execution: PACS is in SAFE mode, the bolometer groups are off, but the temperature sensors are on

= Cooler recycling (only at HeII temperatures) =
- starting out of SAFE mode (groups off, temperature sensors on) [[BR]]
- CUS script:[[BR]]
        mode '''BOLO_cooler_OBS''' calling the following CUS procedure:[[BR]]
              - procedure '''BOLO_cool_recycle''' (no sub-procedures are called, the groups and temperature sensors are not touched, HK_list is set to PHOT_HK and reset to "NON-PRIME" in the end, autonomy function 14 is enabled), Duration: 7928 sec[[BR]]
- ending up in SAFE mode (groups are off, temperature sensors on, HSP heater current at 1.18 mA)[[BR]]

Note: Autonomy function 14 checks for TEMP_EV, TEMP_FPU1, TEMP_FPU2:[[BR]]
      --> HK DEC SOFT is generated if one or more are out of the range [260,320] mK[[BR]]
      --> GO SAFE is generated if one or more are above 400 mK[[BR]]
= Short functional tests =

== SFT Warm: Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain ==

 * '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_Warm_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_Warm'''

 * '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchon'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Warm_Startinputsignal_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Warm_Startinputsignal''' (Duration: 637 sec)
 * '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff'''

__Note__: No specific autonomy functions are involved here (except AF#6 to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

== SFT at HeI: Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain ==

 * '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler'''

 * '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchon'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal''' (Duration: 637 sec)
 * '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff'''

__Note__: No specific autonomy functions are involved here (except AF#6 to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

== SFT at HeII (cooler not recycled): Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain ==

 * '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler'''

 * '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchon'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal''' (Duration: 637 sec)[[BR]]
 * '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset'''
 * '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS''', calling '''PACS_Phot_Switchoff'''

__Note__: No specific autonomy functions are involved here (except AF#6 to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

= Nominal operations =

== Instrument switch-on and connection of the warm electronic boxes ==

 * currently done with tcl-script '''PACS_Switch_On.tcl''' (maintained by FGB)
 * after execution: PACS is in SAFE mode, the bolometer groups are off, but the temperature sensors are on

__Note__: Autonomy function #6 is enabled to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC

== Cooler recycling (only at HeII temperatures) ==

 * starting out of SAFE mode (groups off, temperature sensors on)
 * mode '''BOLO_cooler_OBS''' calling the CUS procedure '''BOLO_cool_recycle''':
   * no sub-procedures are called, the groups and temperature sensors are not touched
   * HK_list is set to PHOT_HK and reset to "NON-PRIME" in the end
   * autonomy function 14 is enabled, Duration: 7928 sec
 * ending up in SAFE mode (groups are off, temperature sensors on, HSP heater current at 1.18 mA)

__Note__: At the end of the recycling the autonomy function 14 is enabled. It checks for TEMP_EV, TEMP_FPU1, TEMP_FPU2: --> HK DEC SOFT is generated if one or more are out of the range [260,320] mK; --> GO SAFE is generated if one or more are above 400 mK
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= General Setup for Photometer Operation (after cooler recycling) =
- starting out of SAFE mode (groups off, temperature sensors on)[[BR]]
- CUS script:[[BR]]
        block '''PHOT_setup''' calling the following CUS procedures:[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_dpu_dmc_setup[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_dmc_setup[[BR]]
                              - procedure PHOT_fltw_conf [[BR]]
                              - procedure CONF_chopper [[BR]]
                              - procedure CONF_cs [[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_switchon_groups[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_set_bias (*)[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_seq_setup[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_change_data_mode[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_change_seq_mode[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_set_gain[[BR]]
               - procedure PHOT_spu_setup[[BR]]
    (*) the bias tables to be loaded might change![[BR]]

  - ending up in PHOTOMETRY mode, but SPU processing has not yet started[[BR]]
  - Note: filter is in position "A", chopper at position "0"[[BR]]
  - calibration sources are set to default values, but need 40-50 min stabilisation time!!![[BR]]

= Operation of the bolometers (starting out of PHOTOMETRY mode) =

== start/stop of bolometer data flow ==
        CUS scripts:[[BR]]
           block '''PHOT_spu_setup_OBS''' calling the following CUS procedure:[[BR]]
               - procedure '''PHOT_spu_setup''' ---> bolometer data flow running [[BR]]
            block '''PHOT_spu_reset_OBS''' calling the following CUS procedure:[[BR]]
              - procedure '''PHOT_spu_reset''' [[BR]]

== Change of the bolometer data/sequence mode and gain ==
        CUS scripts:[[BR]]
               - procedure '''PHOT_change_data_mode'''[[BR]]
               - procedure '''PHOT_change_seq_mode'''[[BR]]
               - procedure '''PHOT_set_gain'''[[BR]]

               - or via MSTK with individual commands

== Take data with manual chopper & filter movements ==
        CUS scripts:[[BR]]
               - procedure '''PHOT_spu_setup''' ---> bolometer data flow running[[BR]]
                   - procedure '''PHOT_fltw_move'''[[BR]]

== General Setup for Photometer Operation (after cooler recycling) ==

 * starting out of SAFE mode (groups off, temperature sensors on)
 * mode '''PHOT_setup_OBS''' calling the block '''PHOT_setup''', calling the following CUS procedures:
   * procedure PHOT_dpu_dmc_setup
   * procedure PHOT_dmc_setup
     * procedure PHOT_fltw_conf
     * procedure CONF_chopper
     * procedure CONF_cs
   * procedure PHOT_switchon_groups
   * procedure PHOT_set_bias (*)
   * procedure PHOT_seq_setup
   * procedure PHOT_change_data_mode
   * procedure PHOT_change_seq_mode
   * procedure PHOT_set_gain(**)
   * procedure PHOT_spu_setup
    (*) the bias tables to be loaded might change!
    (**) the gain setting can be 'high' or 'low'

 * ending up in PHOTOMETRY mode, but SPU processing has not yet started
 * filter is in position "A", chopper at position "0"
 * calibration sources are set to default values, but need 40-50 min stabilisation time!!!

__Note__: At the end of the PHOT_setup the autonomy function 17 "generate_event_pwr" is enabled. It checks for the HK entries: PC_PWR_ANA_P_#, PC_PWR_ANA_N_# and PC_PWR_DIG_#, with # = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

== Operation of the bolometers (starting out of PHOTOMETRY mode) ==

=== start/stop of bolometer data flow ===
 * mode '''PHOT_spu_setup_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_setup''' ---> bolometer data flow running
 * mode '''PHOT_spu_reset_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_reset''' ---> bolometer data flow stopped

=== Change of the bolometer data/sequence mode and gain ===
   * procedure '''PHOT_change_data_mode'''[[BR]]
   * procedure '''PHOT_change_seq_mode'''[[BR]]
   * procedure '''PHOT_set_gain'''[[BR]]

   * or via MSTK with individual commands

=== Take data with manual chopper & filter movements ===
        mode '''PHOT_spu_setup_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_setup''' ---> bolometer data flow running[[BR]]
                   - block '''PHOT_fltw_move_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_fltw_move'''[[BR]]
Line 123: Line 134:
               - procedure '''PHOT_spu_reset'''[[BR]]

== Take data with pre-defined OBCPs ==
        CUS scripts:[[BR]]
               - procedure '''PHOT_spu_setup''' ---> bolometer data flow running[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_chopped_photometry'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_chopped_photometry_dither'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_phot_freezeframe'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_phot_cal_I'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_phot_cal_II'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_phot_cal_III'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_phot_staring'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_phot_chopper_scan'''[[BR]]
                   - block '''PHOT_all_aots_OBS'''[[BR]]
               - procedure '''PHOT_spu_reset'''[[BR]]

== Execute AOT observations ==
        mode '''PHOT_spu_reset_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_reset''' ---> bolometer data flow stopped[[BR]]

=== Take data with pre-defined OBCPs ===
        mode '''PHOT_spu_setup_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_setup''' ---> bolometer data flow running [[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_chopped_photometry_OBS'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_phot_chopper_scan_OBS'''[[BR]]
                       - block '''OBCP_fixed_fixed_photo_OBS'''[[BR]]
        mode '''PHOT_spu_reset_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_reset''' ---> bolometer data flow stopped [[BR]]


        mode '''PHOT_spu_setup_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_setup''' ---> bolometer data flow running [[BR]]
                   - mode '''PHOT_all_aots_OBS''' calling the following procedures:[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_chopped_photometry'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_chopped_photometry_dither'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_phot_freezeframe'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_phot_cal_I'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_phot_cal_II'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_phot_cal_III'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_phot_staring'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_phot_chopper_scan'''[[BR]]
                            - procedure '''OBCP_fixed_fixed_photo'''[[BR]]
        mode '''PHOT_spu_reset_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_spu_reset''' ---> bolometer data flow stopped [[BR]]

__Note__: all OBCPs can be started with default parameters via the generic tcl-script; the key-OBCPs can also be started with freely selectable parameters via specific tcl-scripts

=== Execute AOT observations ===
Line 170: Line 190:

= Reset after photometer operation =
  - PACS is in PHOTOMETRY or any other mode[[BR]]
  - going into SAFE mode:[[BR]]
        CUS scripts:[[BR]]
               - block '''OBCP_SAFE'''[[BR]]

  - after execution: PACS is in SAFE mode[[BR]]

= Instrument switch-off =
  - currently done with the tcl-script '''PACS_Switch_Off.tcl''' (maintained by FGB)[[BR]]
  - after execution: PACS is switched off[[BR]]
__Note__: the default OBCP for point-source photometry will probably be the OBCP_fixed_fixed_photo.

== Reset after photometer operation ==

 * PACS is in PHOTOMETRY or any other mode
 * execute mode '''PHOT_switchoff_groups_OBS''' calling procedure '''PHOT_switchoff_groups''' (this will reset the biases sequentially, disable the AF 17, and switch off the groups)
 * going into SAFE mode (this will disable the AF 14 for the FPU temperature checks)
 * after execution: PACS is in SAFE mode (groups are off, temperature sensors on, AF 6 enabled to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

== Instrument switch-off ==

 * currently done with the tcl-script '''PACS_Switch_Off.tcl''' (maintained by FGB) (this will disable the AF 6 for the DMC-BOLC communication check)
 * after execution: PACS is switched off
Line 192: Line 211:
  - there are more CUS scripts related to the SFT warm, HeI and HeII which are not mentioned here (see PACS-ME-TP-007)[[BR]]
  - some specific photometer tests, like the thermal behaviour measurements, start directly out of SAFE mode, while most of the tests will be executed after the '''PHOT_setup'''
  - the above mentioned CUS scripts (with a few exceptions) have been tested and are available in the CUS database and from the CVS library[[BR]]
  - the AOT related CUS-scripts are still under testing
 * the SFT tests are described in PACS-ME-TP-007
 * some specific photometer tests, like the thermal behaviour measurements, start directly out of SAFE mode, while most of the tests will be executed after the '''PHOT_setup'''
 * the above mentioned CUS scripts (with a few exceptions) have been tested and are available in the CUS database and from the CVS library
 * the AOT related CUS-scripts are still under testing

Index TableOfContents(2)

PACS bolometer operation from the commanding point of view

T. Mueller, D. Cesarsky; 08-Nov-2006

1. Short functional tests

1.1. SFT Warm: Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain

  • PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_Warm_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_Warm

  • PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Switchon

  • PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_Warm_Startinputsignal_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Warm_Startinputsignal (Duration: 637 sec)

  • PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset

  • PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Switchoff

Note: No specific autonomy functions are involved here (except AF#6 to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

1.2. SFT at HeI: Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain

  • PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler

  • PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Switchon

  • PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal (Duration: 637 sec)

  • PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset

  • PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Switchoff

Note: No specific autonomy functions are involved here (except AF#6 to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

1.3. SFT at HeII (cooler not recycled): Sorption Cooler and Bolometer detector chain

  • PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SFT_Cooler

  • PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_DPU_DMC_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_Switchon_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Switchon

  • PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Sequencer_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SPU_Setup

  • PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Cold_Startinputsignal (Duration: 637 sec)BR

  • PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_SPU_Reset

  • PACS_Phot_Switchoff_OBS, calling PACS_Phot_Switchoff

Note: No specific autonomy functions are involved here (except AF#6 to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

2. Nominal operations

2.1. Instrument switch-on and connection of the warm electronic boxes

  • currently done with tcl-script PACS_Switch_On.tcl (maintained by FGB)

  • after execution: PACS is in SAFE mode, the bolometer groups are off, but the temperature sensors are on

Note: Autonomy function #6 is enabled to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC

2.2. Cooler recycling (only at HeII temperatures)

  • starting out of SAFE mode (groups off, temperature sensors on)
  • mode BOLO_cooler_OBS calling the CUS procedure BOLO_cool_recycle:

    • no sub-procedures are called, the groups and temperature sensors are not touched
    • HK_list is set to PHOT_HK and reset to "NON-PRIME" in the end
    • autonomy function 14 is enabled, Duration: 7928 sec
  • ending up in SAFE mode (groups are off, temperature sensors on, HSP heater current at 1.18 mA)

Note: At the end of the recycling the autonomy function 14 is enabled. It checks for TEMP_EV, TEMP_FPU1, TEMP_FPU2: --> HK DEC SOFT is generated if one or more are out of the range [260,320] mK; --> GO SAFE is generated if one or more are above 400 mK

2.3. General Setup for Photometer Operation (after cooler recycling)

  • starting out of SAFE mode (groups off, temperature sensors on)
  • mode PHOT_setup_OBS calling the block PHOT_setup, calling the following CUS procedures:

    • procedure PHOT_dpu_dmc_setup
    • procedure PHOT_dmc_setup
      • procedure PHOT_fltw_conf
      • procedure CONF_chopper
      • procedure CONF_cs
    • procedure PHOT_switchon_groups
    • procedure PHOT_set_bias (*)
    • procedure PHOT_seq_setup
    • procedure PHOT_change_data_mode
    • procedure PHOT_change_seq_mode
    • procedure PHOT_set_gain(**)
    • procedure PHOT_spu_setup
      • (*) the bias tables to be loaded might change! (**) the gain setting can be 'high' or 'low'
  • ending up in PHOTOMETRY mode, but SPU processing has not yet started
  • filter is in position "A", chopper at position "0"
  • calibration sources are set to default values, but need 40-50 min stabilisation time!!!

Note: At the end of the PHOT_setup the autonomy function 17 "generate_event_pwr" is enabled. It checks for the HK entries: PC_PWR_ANA_P_#, PC_PWR_ANA_N_# and PC_PWR_DIG_#, with # = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

2.4. Operation of the bolometers (starting out of PHOTOMETRY mode)

2.4.1. start/stop of bolometer data flow

  • mode PHOT_spu_setup_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_setup ---> bolometer data flow running

  • mode PHOT_spu_reset_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_reset ---> bolometer data flow stopped

2.4.2. Change of the bolometer data/sequence mode and gain

  • procedure PHOT_change_data_modeBR

  • procedure PHOT_change_seq_modeBR

  • procedure PHOT_set_gainBR

  • or via MSTK with individual commands

2.4.3. Take data with manual chopper & filter movements

  • mode PHOT_spu_setup_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_setup ---> bolometer data flow runningBR

    • - block PHOT_fltw_move_OBS calling procedure PHOT_fltw_moveBR - command Pacs_DMC_MOVE_CHOP_ABSBR - command Pacs_DMC_MOVE_CHOP_RELBR

    mode PHOT_spu_reset_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_reset ---> bolometer data flow stoppedBR

2.4.4. Take data with pre-defined OBCPs

  • mode PHOT_spu_setup_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_setup ---> bolometer data flow running BR

    • - block OBCP_chopped_photometry_OBSBR - block OBCP_phot_chopper_scan_OBSBR - block OBCP_fixed_fixed_photo_OBSBR

    mode PHOT_spu_reset_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_reset ---> bolometer data flow stopped BR or

    mode PHOT_spu_setup_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_setup ---> bolometer data flow running BR

    • - mode PHOT_all_aots_OBS calling the following procedures:BR

      • - procedure OBCP_chopped_photometryBR - procedure OBCP_chopped_photometry_ditherBR - procedure OBCP_phot_freezeframeBR - procedure OBCP_phot_cal_IBR - procedure OBCP_phot_cal_IIBR - procedure OBCP_phot_cal_IIIBR - procedure OBCP_phot_staringBR - procedure OBCP_phot_chopper_scanBR - procedure OBCP_fixed_fixed_photoBR

    mode PHOT_spu_reset_OBS calling procedure PHOT_spu_reset ---> bolometer data flow stopped BR

Note: all OBCPs can be started with default parameters via the generic tcl-script; the key-OBCPs can also be started with freely selectable parameters via specific tcl-scripts

2.4.5. Execute AOT observations

  • CUS scripts (to be finalised):BR


      • - PacsPhotDefaultsBR - PacsPhotEstimatorOBCPnBR

        • - PacsDureeOBCP5BR

          • - DMC_phot_2_3_chopBR

          - PacsDureeOBCP7BR

          • - DMC_staring_photBR

        Logic chooses and issues a pointing mode out of:BR

        • - composite_noddingBR - repeated_raster_with_holdBR - line_scan_with_holdBR

        - WriteOBSIDBR - PacsPhotSlewCalBR

        • - PHOT_aot_prologueBR

          • - PHOT_spu_setupBR

          - PHOT_fltw_moveBR - OBCP_chopped_photometryBR

        - PacsPhotCommandOBCP7BR

        • - OBCP_staring_photometryBR

        - PacsPhotCommandOBCP5BR

        • - OBCP_chopped_photometry_ditherBR

        - PHOT_aot_epilogueBR - WriteEndIDBR - PacsPhotNoiseRMSBR - PacsMessageCenterBR

Note: the default OBCP for point-source photometry will probably be the OBCP_fixed_fixed_photo.

2.5. Reset after photometer operation

  • PACS is in PHOTOMETRY or any other mode
  • execute mode PHOT_switchoff_groups_OBS calling procedure PHOT_switchoff_groups (this will reset the biases sequentially, disable the AF 17, and switch off the groups)

  • going into SAFE mode (this will disable the AF 14 for the FPU temperature checks)
  • after execution: PACS is in SAFE mode (groups are off, temperature sensors on, AF 6 enabled to check for the communication between DMC and BOLC)

2.6. Instrument switch-off

  • currently done with the tcl-script PACS_Switch_Off.tcl (maintained by FGB) (this will disable the AF 6 for the DMC-BOLC communication check)

  • after execution: PACS is switched off


  • the SFT tests are described in PACS-ME-TP-007
  • some specific photometer tests, like the thermal behaviour measurements, start directly out of SAFE mode, while most of the tests will be executed after the PHOT_setup

  • the above mentioned CUS scripts (with a few exceptions) have been tested and are available in the CUS database and from the CVS library
  • the AOT related CUS-scripts are still under testing

Herschel: PACS/FM_ILT_Procedures/PhotOperations (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:37 by localhost)