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Comment: added description of chopper control loop parameters
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* the valid control loop parameters are defined in the file '''CONFChopper''' located on pacs5 in the derectory '''toREG/CALU''' |
* the valid control loop parameters are defined in the file '''CONFChopper''' located on pacs5 in the directory '''toREG/CALU''' * it contains the columns accessible for the upload of chopper parameters * the individual columns are characterised as follows: * ColdOPdef (MN, HD) * '''working but not useful''' * defined on Feb 22, 2007 * taken from CSL EGSE measurement (Alain) * used for MPE EGSE tests * assumed DMC QM amplification factor * Rate: 29 units, for chopper pos +/- 12000 units at 100 ms ramp * OutputLimit: +/- 24 mA (6000 units), maximum allowed chopper current * PosLimit: +/- 13000 units, maximum allowed chopper deflection * notch filter set to 480 Hz with DA=2 * ColdOPzero (MN, HD) * '''working but not useful''' * defined on Feb 22, 2007 * same settings as column ColdOPdef * mechanical ZP offset register set to zero * ZEISSzero (MN, HD) * '''used for testing only''' * defined on Feb 23, 2007 * ZEISS default parameters translated to CSL units * CSL DMC FM amplification factor of 50.09 assumed * notch filter set to 900 Hz with DA=2 * mechanical ZP offset register set to zero * ZEISSoffset (MN, HD) * '''used for testing only''' * defined on Feb 23, 2007 * same settings as column ZEISSzero * mechanical offset register set to -1195 as measured with ZEISSzero * ZEISSoffset2 (MN, HD) * '''to be preferred to ZEISSoffset''' * defined on Feb 23, 2007 * same settings as column ZEISSoffset * notch filter set to 480 Hz with DA=2 * CSLopt1 (MN) * '''can be used as a fallback parameter set (stable)''' * defined on Feb 28, 2007 * settings determined with CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit) * parameter set optimised for chopper deflection +/- 4 deg * '''WARNING! Oscillations at deflections > 4 deg (+/- 12000 units)!''' * OutputLimit: +/- 65 mA (16013 units) * PosLimit: +/- 14000 units * PosOffset: -1195 units * Rate: 310 units for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 10 ms ramp * notch filter set to 550 Hz with DA=3 |
H. Dannerbauer; 07-Dec-2006
Index TableOfContents(2)
1. Determination of Chopper Offset
for detailed test description see PTD_2.3.1 (->file attachment:chopper.pdf) or in CVS
- Chopper has to be switched-off and controller disabled
upload Chopper CPRs with position offset of zero using tcl-script CONF_Chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU and calUcol
start PacketRecorder
start diag. HK with SPEC_Chopper_dhk_imt_OBS using Generic_CUS_script.tcl
- determine chopper offset (chop_offset) from DM_CHOP_CUR_POS
- include the new chopper offset in chopper control parameter set
-> PosOffset=(-1)*chop_offset
stop diag. HK with SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS using Generic_CUS_script.tcl
close PacketRecorder
- switch-on chopper
- load up chopper control parameters including the new offset
-> tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU and calUcol
- enable chopper controller in order to upload new control parameter set
-> EnDis_chopper_OBS.tcl and parameter onoff ON
2. Chopper Open Loop Measurements
for detailed test description see PTD_2.3.1 (->file attachment:chopper.pdf) or in CVS
it is recommended to upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU and calUcol
test should be operated in nominal spectroscopic mode; to do this execute the GeGa SFT; e.g. for He2 use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
- chopper controller has to be at least disabled
start diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_4hk_1khz_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
start PacketRecorder
start script SPEC_Chopper_OpenLoop_MoveAbs_OBS.tcl given following parameters: chop_max_ma (maximum current in mA), chop_step_ma (current step width in mA) and chop_damptime (plateau duration in sec)
close PacketRecorder
stop diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
- at the end of the test chopper controller is disabled; if necessary switch-off chopper
3. Chopper Control Loop Parameters (CALU table)
the valid control loop parameters are defined in the file CONFChopper located on pacs5 in the directory toREG/CALU
- it contains the columns accessible for the upload of chopper parameters
- the individual columns are characterised as follows:
- ColdOPdef (MN, HD)
working but not useful
- defined on Feb 22, 2007
- taken from CSL EGSE measurement (Alain)
- used for MPE EGSE tests
- assumed DMC QM amplification factor
- Rate: 29 units, for chopper pos +/- 12000 units at 100 ms ramp
OutputLimit: +/- 24 mA (6000 units), maximum allowed chopper current
PosLimit: +/- 13000 units, maximum allowed chopper deflection
- notch filter set to 480 Hz with DA=2
- ColdOPzero (MN, HD)
working but not useful
- defined on Feb 22, 2007
- same settings as column ColdOPdef
- mechanical ZP offset register set to zero
- ZEISSzero (MN, HD)
used for testing only
- defined on Feb 23, 2007
- ZEISS default parameters translated to CSL units
- CSL DMC FM amplification factor of 50.09 assumed
- notch filter set to 900 Hz with DA=2
- mechanical ZP offset register set to zero
- ZEISSoffset (MN, HD)
used for testing only
- defined on Feb 23, 2007
- same settings as column ZEISSzero
- mechanical offset register set to -1195 as measured with ZEISSzero
- ZEISSoffset2 (MN, HD)
to be preferred to ZEISSoffset
- defined on Feb 23, 2007
- same settings as column ZEISSoffset
- notch filter set to 480 Hz with DA=2
- CSLopt1 (MN)
can be used as a fallback parameter set (stable)
- defined on Feb 28, 2007
- settings determined with CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)
- parameter set optimised for chopper deflection +/- 4 deg
WARNING! Oscillations at deflections > 4 deg (+/- 12000 units)!
OutputLimit: +/- 65 mA (16013 units)
PosLimit: +/- 14000 units
PosOffset: -1195 units
- Rate: 310 units for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 10 ms ramp
- notch filter set to 550 Hz with DA=3
- ColdOPdef (MN, HD)
4. Verify function of Ge:Ga detectors, CREs and detector heaters PTD 0.7.3 (TBD!)
for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.3 (->file attachment:vergega.pdf) or in CVS
- prerequisites:
- PACS in spectroscopic mode
- blue detector heater should be around 2.1 K
- short test description:
- procedures consists of two tests, one in loss-less compression mode to get raw ramps and one in default mode
start with test in loss-less compression mode; detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel DXS7602 in both channels; execute CUS script SPEC_detector_fmilt073_detsel_llc_OBS.cus (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 1659 seconds
do then test in default mode; therefore, execute CUS script SPEC_detector_fmilt073_standard_OBS.cus (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 134
5. Chopper Synchronization PTD 0.7.6 (TBD!)
5.1. Spectroscopic Mode (TBD!)
for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.6_spec (->file attachment:chopsynspec.pdf) or in CVS
- prerequisites:
- PACS in spectroscopic mode
setup Chopper Configuration Parameter for 8 degree; use from CAL-U table CONFChopper the column FM_sa2_81deg
- short test description:
- we use the SPU mode loss less compression
detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel DXS7602 in both channels
use CUS script SPEC_Chopper_fmilt076spec_detsel_llc_OBS.cus for conducting this test (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 865 seconds
5.2. Photometeric Mode (TBD!)
for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.6_phot (->file attachment:chopsynphot.pdf) or in CVS
- prerequisites:
- PACS in photometric mode
setup Chopper Configuration Parameter for 8 degree; use from CAL-U table CONFChopper the column FM_sa2_81deg; to do this do following:
if chopper controller enabled, disable chopper controller with CUS script XXX (called by tcl-script XXX with parameters XXX)
do chopper configuration with CUS script XXX (called by tcl-script XXX with parameters XXX)
enable chopper controller with CUS script XXX (called by tcl-scritp XXX with parameters XXX)
- short test description:
- we use the SPU mode loss less compression
detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel DXS7602 in both channels
use CUS script PHOT_Chopper_fmilt076phot_detsel_llc_OBS.cus for conducting this test (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 51 seconds
6. Internal Calibration Sources PTD 0.7.11_12 & 2.5.3
- prerequisites:
- PACS in spectroscopic mode
for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.11_12 (->file attachment:cs.pdf) or in CVS
- the test is divided in several parts:
6.1. Day 16:
load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-scripts CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl and CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl and the parameters calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2 and model=FM1
heat-up of CSs including switching-on, enabling and setting of temperature: SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_heatup_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)
switch-off CSs with SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_switchoff_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)
6.2. Day 17:
if necessary change CSs control-parameter in CAL-U table CONFCs1Cs2 -> PTD 2.5.3
load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-script CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl and CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl and the parameters calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2 and model=FM1 (TBC)
heat-up of CSs including switching-on, enabling and setting of temperature: SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_heatup_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)
switch-off CSs with SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_switchoff_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)
6.3. Day 18:
- this test has two heat-up's and cool-down
- short test description:
- switch-on and enable CSs
- heat-up to CS1 and CS2 temperature value XX/XX (TBD) and stabilization at temperature plateau for in total 80 minutes
- go to a second temperature plateau (CS1=XX/CS2=XX;TBD) - 60 minutes
- cool-down (CS1=XX/CS2=XX;TBD) - script stops then 60 seconds after commanding the cool-down values; stop of recording file should be done after 60(TBD) minutes
- Conduct following steps at commanding concole:
load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-scripts CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl and CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl and the parameters calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2 and model=FM1 (TBC)
use CUS script SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_swon_cs_perf_OBS.cus for conducting this test (called by tcl-script) Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)
- CSs will not be switched-off
- comment:
- if necessary (e.g. in phase of control loop optimization) the temperature values in the CUS-script should be adapted
7. Optimum Bias Setting PTD 1.2.1_2_17
- set OGSE BB Temperatures (BB1=25.3K;BB2=24.7K) with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl
- verify flip mirrors if on correct position
- wait for stabilization
- set OGSE Chopper Wheel (CW;ROT;438mHz) with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl
set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)
upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU=CONFChopper and calUcol=ZEISSoffset2
- switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
- enable chopper and check if it it is stable
- move chopper to Pos 0 manually
- switch-on and enable grating
- heater to 1.5mA
use SPEC_detector_fmilt121_part1_OBS for red array (1648 sec)
- after end of test which lasts about 1648 sec perhaps switch-off chopper wheel
- put FW to Pos B
Instruction for Thomas:
- put FW to Pos B
- set OGSE BBs to new temp (BB1=32.75K;BB2=31.25K) with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl
- wait for stabilization
- set OGSE Chopper Wheel (CW;ROT;438mHz) with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl
set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)
upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU=CONFChopper and calUcol=ZEISSoffset2
- switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
- enable chopper and check if it it is stable
- move chopper to Pos 0 manually
- switch-on and enable grating
use SPEC_detector_fmilt121_part2_OBS for blue array (12198 sec)
after end of the script put OGSE BBs down to 4K with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl and switch-off Chopper wheel with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl BV: check grating position
HD&BV: get from PR and RH values for detector heater and stabilization time
- Heater temperature stabilisation time: 15min
- CUS script changed: 10 minutes wait + 8 minutes Before analysis, check that temperature and signal are constant over the 8 min.
- Blue Heater conversions Kelvin - mA :
Heater temperature K
Heater current mA
- Heater temperature stabilisation time: 15min
8. CRE Check Out Voltage PTD 1.2.4
set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)
upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU=CONFChopper and calUcol=CSLopt1
start diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_4hk_1khz_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
- switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
- enable chopper and check if it it is stable
stop diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
start SPEC_detector_fmilt124_30mV_detsel_llc_OBS.cus (Generic)
start SPEC_detector_fmilt124_60mV_detsel_llc_OBS.cus (Generic)
- if necessary disable and switch-off chopper