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Revision 87 as of 2007-03-13 09:15:52
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Comment: updated chopper CALU table and SFT procedure
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__'''PACS spectrometer operation from the commanding point of view'''__
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06-Dec-2006 07-Dec-2006
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= Chopper Synchronization PTD 0.7.6 =
== Spectroscopic Mode ==

 * for detailed test description see PTD 0.7.6 in CVS

== Photometeric Mode ==

 * for detailed test description see PTD 0.7.6 in CVS
= Determination of Chopper Offset =

 * for detailed test description see '''PTD_2.3.1''' (->file attachment:chopper.pdf) or in CVS

 * Chopper has to be switched-off and controller disabled
 * upload Chopper CPRs with position offset of zero using tcl-script '''CONF_Chopper_OBS.tcl''' with parameters '''fileU''' and '''calUcol'''
 * start PacketRecorder
 * start diag. HK with '''SPEC_Chopper_dhk_imt_OBS''' using '''Generic_CUS_script.tcl'''
 * determine chopper offset (chop_offset) from DM_CHOP_CUR_POS
 * include the new chopper offset in chopper control parameter set
   -> PosOffset=(-1)*chop_offset
 * stop diag. HK with '''SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS''' using '''Generic_CUS_script.tcl'''
 * close PacketRecorder
 * switch-on chopper
 * load up chopper control parameters including the new offset
   -> tcl-script '''CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl''' with parameters '''fileU''' and '''calUcol'''
 * enable chopper controller in order to upload new control parameter set
  -> '''EnDis_chopper_OBS.tcl''' and parameter '''onoff''' ON

= Chopper Open Loop Measurements =
 * for detailed test description see '''PTD_2.3.1''' (->file attachment:chopper.pdf) or in CVS

 * it is recommended to upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script '''CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl''' with parameters '''fileU''' and '''calUcol'''
 * test should be operated in nominal spectroscopic mode; to do this execute the GeGa SFT; e.g. for He2 use '''PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
 * chopper controller has to be at least disabled
 * start diag. HK using '''SPEC_Chopper_dhk_4hk_1khz_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
 * start PacketRecorder
 * start script '''SPEC_Chopper_OpenLoop_MoveAbs_OBS.tcl''' given following parameters: '''chop_max_ma''' (maximum current in mA), '''chop_step_ma''' (current step width in mA) and '''chop_damptime''' (plateau duration in sec)
 * close PacketRecorder
 * stop diag. HK using '''SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
 * at the end of the test chopper controller is disabled; if necessary switch-off chopper

= Chopper Control Loop Parameters (CALU table) - Version: 12 March 2007 =

 * the valid control loop parameters are defined in the file '''CONFChopper''' located on '''oper@pacs5''' in the directory '''toREG/CALU'''
 * it contains the columns accessible for the upload of chopper parameters
 * current default: '''CSLopt3-600'''
 * the individual columns are characterised as follows:

|| ||'''CSLopt1'''||'''CSLopt3-600'''||''CSLopt3-550''||''SFTcold''||''SFTwarm''||
||Remark ||'''stable fallback parameter set''', ''Warning! Oscillations occur at deflections > 4.1 deg!''||Working well. This is the default parameter set for now.||'''potentially dangerous''', ''not tested''||'''adapted from CSLopt3-600'''||'''Use under warm conditions only! Otherwise the chopper will be damaged!'''||
||Usage ||''use if other settings fail''||'''use as default'''||''do not use''||''use for cold SFT''||''use for warm SFT''||
||Date of creation||Feb 28, 2007 (MN)||Mar 02, 2007 (MN)||Mar 02, 2007 (MN)||Mar 12, 2007 (MN)||Mar 12, 2007 (MN)||
||Source ||CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)||CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)||CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)||CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)||ZEISS||
||PosLimit ||+/- 5 deg (14000 units)||+/- 9.5 deg (25000 units)||+/- 5 deg (14000 units)||+/- 9.5 deg (25000 units)||+/- 9.5 deg (25000 units)||
||OutputLimit ||+/- 65 mA (16013 units)||+/- 110 mA (27100 units)||+/- 110 mA (27100 units)||+/- 110 mA (27100 units)||+/- 110 mA (27100 units)||
||Rate ||310 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 10 ms ramp||550 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 5.8 ms ramp||550 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 5.8 ms ramp||29 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 12000 at 50 ms ramp||29 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 12000 at 50 ms ramp||
||Notch filter ||550 Hz, DA=3 ||600 Hz, DA=3 ||550 Hz, DA=3 ||600 Hz, DA=3 ||730 Hz, DA=2||
||Offset mech. ZP ||-1195 units ||-1195 units ||-1195 units ||-1195 units ||0 units||
||Transition time at +/- 4 deg||slow ||approx. 17 ms||approx. 17 ms||slow||slow||
||Transition time at +/- 9 deg||slow ||approx. 75 ms||approx. 75 ms||slow||slow||

= Chopper Standard Tests =

 * prerequisites:
   * PACS either in spectroscopic or in photometric mode.
   * Chopper Controller must be switched on and enabled.

   * Following scripts are prepared and have to be carried out with the "Generic" tcl-script. Furthermore we propose the following name convention for the telemetry files:

|| CUS-Script || duration || Telemetry-file name convention ||
|| SPEC_Chopper_Standard_1_2Hz_OBS.cus || 129sec || SPEC_Chop_Standard_1_date_01.tm ||
|| SPEC_Chopper_Standard_2_2Hz_OBS.cus || 129sec || SPEC_Chop_Standard_2_date_01.tm ||
|| PHOT_Chopper_Standard_1_2Hz_OBS.cus || 49sec || PHOT_Chop_Standard_1_date_01.tm ||
|| PHOT_Chopper_Standard_2_2Hz_OBS.cus || 49sec || PHOT_Chop_Standard_2_date_01.tm ||

  * short test description:
    * There are two procedures for every detector setup: either for PHOT or for SPEC
    * Both procedures are to be used, depending on the current detector setup: first carry out "...Standard_1...", followed then by "...Standard_2...".
    * For each test, we will do chopping both in the science and in the calibration window. For the science window, we selected two parameter sets:
      1. chopping between -3000 and + 3000 -> reflected in "...Standard_1..."
      2. chopping between -12000 and +12000 -> reflected in "...Standard_2...".
    In the calibration window we only have one parameter set, chopping between -23382 and +22347 (=+-8.5deg). The chop frequency is 2Hz and in each window 20 chop cycles will be conducted.
    * In spectroscopic mode, we use the OBCP27 (OBCP_grat_line_scan_chop_2) and in photometric mode the OBCP4 (OBCP_chopped_photometry).
    * At the moment, we are working on a pcss-script to analyse the telemetry data as soon as they are taken. The data analysis of these tests will be carried out by our MPIA ICC team.

= Verify function of Ge:Ga detectors, CREs and detector heaters PTD 0.7.3 (TBD!) =

 * for detailed test description see '''PTD_0.7.3''' (->file attachment:vergega.pdf) or in CVS

 * prerequisites:
   * PACS in spectroscopic mode
   * blue detector heater should be around 2.1 K
 * short test description:
   * procedures consists of two tests, one in loss-less compression mode to get raw ramps and one in default mode
   * start with test in loss-less compression mode; detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel '''DXS7602''' in both channels; execute CUS script '''SPEC_detector_fmilt073_detsel_llc_OBS.cus''' (called by tcl-script '''Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl'''); script lasts 1659 seconds
   * do then test in default mode; therefore, execute CUS script '''SPEC_detector_fmilt073_standard_OBS.cus''' (called by tcl-script '''Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl'''); script lasts 134

= Chopper SFT in Open Loop mode (replacing PTD 0.7.5) =

 * Main scripts:
                 * PACS_Chopper_SFT_Cold_OpenLoop_OBS (for SFT at He I and He II)
                 * PACS_Chopper_SFT_Warm_OpenLoop_OBS (for SFT at room temperature)

 * Duration: 7 min each (+ overhead for code generation)

 * Dependencies:
                 * PACS_SPEC_Chopper_OpenLoop_MoveAbs_dHK_BB
                 * SPEC_Chopper_SynchBlue
                 * CONF_chopper
                 * PACS_Chopper_SWON_SWOF_only
                 * EnDis_chopper
                 * PACS_SPEC_Chopper_OpenLoop_MoveAbs_BB
                 * PACS_SPEC_Chopper_OpenLoop_MoveRel_BB

 * Requirements:
                * PACS switched on
                * GeGa spectrometer switched on
                * chopper disabled and switched off

 * replaces previous closed loop SFT scripts:
   * PACS_Chopper_SFT_Init_Cold
   * PACS_Chopper_SFT_Init_Warm
   * PACS_Chopper_SFT_PTP_0_7_5_Master_Spec

== General description ==

The scripts carry out the cold and warm SFT of the FM1 chopper in open-loop mode. It is
designed to apply all necessary settings as previously defined in the
aforementioned superseded scripts. The new script functions as follows:

  1. setup diagnostic HK at 1 kHz
  2. synchronisation to blue spectrometer
  3. configure chopper control parameters for SFT (also needed in open loop)
  4. switch on chopper
  5. configure open loop (chopper coil setting)
  6. enable chopper controller (applies open loop)
  7. put chopper to zero position
  8. perform first movement pattern
  9. put chopper to zero position
  10. perform second movement pattern
  11. put chopper to zero position
  12. disable chopper controller
  13. unset open loop
  14. set default chopper control parameters
  15. switch off chopper
  16. stop diagnostic HK

At the end, the chopper remains disabled and switched off.

== First movement pattern ==

Starting at zero, the chopper coil current is commanded in steps of 4 mA,
alternating between positive and negative values. The maximum current is 20 mA.
Using DMC_MOVE_CHOP_ABS, the resulting command pattern is as follows:
This corresponds to a current command pattern in commanding units according to:
0, 984, -984, 1968, -1968, 2952, -2952, 3936, -3936, 4920, -4920
The chopper will follow accordingly. For the field-plate readout, the steps
should be around 2307 readout units and the maximum value should lie around
+/-11535 readout units. Each chopper position will be maintained
for 15 seconds in order to allow for dampening the oscillations that occur
after each movement.

== Second movement pattern ==

Starting at -20 mA, the chopper current is commanded in steps of 4 mA up to a
value of +20 mA. Using DMC_MOVE_CHOP_REL, the chopper will carry out 10
consecutive movements corresponding to increasing coil currents of 4 mA each.

= Chopper Synchronization PTD 0.7.6 (TBD!) =
== Spectroscopic Mode (TBD!) ==

 * for detailed test description see '''PTD_0.7.6_spec''' (->file attachment:chopsynspec.pdf) or in CVS

 * prerequisites:
   * PACS in spectroscopic mode
   * setup Chopper Configuration Parameter for 8 degree; use from CAL-U table '''CONFChopper''' the column '''FM_sa2_81deg'''

 * short test description:
   * we use the SPU mode loss less compression
   * detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel '''DXS7602''' in both channels
   * use CUS script '''SPEC_Chopper_fmilt076spec_detsel_llc_OBS.cus''' for conducting this test (called by tcl-script '''Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl'''); script lasts 865 seconds

== Photometeric Mode (TBD!) ==

 * for detailed test description see '''PTD_0.7.6_phot''' (->file attachment:chopsynphot.pdf) or in CVS

 * prerequisites:
   * PACS in photometric mode
   * setup Chopper Configuration Parameter for 8 degree; use from CAL-U table '''CONFChopper''' the column '''FM_sa2_81deg'''; to do this do following:
     * if chopper controller enabled, disable chopper controller with CUS script '''XXX''' (called by tcl-script '''XXX''' with parameters XXX)
     * do chopper configuration with CUS script '''XXX''' (called by tcl-script '''XXX''' with parameters '''XXX''')
     * enable chopper controller with CUS script '''XXX''' (called by tcl-scritp '''XXX''' with parameters '''XXX''')

 * short test description:
   * we use the SPU mode loss less compression
   * detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel '''DXS7602''' in both channels
   * use CUS script '''PHOT_Chopper_fmilt076phot_detsel_llc_OBS.cus''' for conducting this test (called by tcl-script '''Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl'''); script lasts 51 seconds
= Internal Calibration Sources PTD 0.7.11_12 & 2.5.3 =
 * prerequisites:
   * PACS in spectroscopic mode

 * for detailed test description see '''PTD_0.7.11_12''' (->file attachment:cs.pdf) or in CVS

 * the test is divided in several parts:

== Day 16: ==
 * load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-scripts '''CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl''' and '''CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl''' and the parameters '''calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2''' and '''model=FM1'''
 * heat-up of CSs including switching-on, enabling and setting of temperature: '''SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_heatup_cs_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)
 * switch-off CSs with '''SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_switchoff_cs_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)

== Day 17: ==
 * if necessary change CSs control-parameter in CAL-U table '''CONFCs1Cs2''' -> PTD 2.5.3
 * load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-script '''CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl''' and '''CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl''' and the parameters '''calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2''' and '''model=FM1''' (TBC)
 * heat-up of CSs including switching-on, enabling and setting of temperature: '''SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_heatup_cs_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)
 * switch-off CSs with '''SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_switchoff_cs_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)

== Day 18: ==
 * this test has two heat-up's and cool-down
   * short test description:
   * switch-on and enable CSs
   * heat-up to CS1 and CS2 temperature value XX/XX (TBD) and stabilization at temperature plateau for in total 80 minutes
   * go to a second temperature plateau (CS1=XX/CS2=XX;TBD) - 60 minutes
   * cool-down (CS1=XX/CS2=XX;TBD) - script stops then 60 seconds after commanding the cool-down values; stop of recording file should be done after 60(TBD) minutes

 * Conduct following steps at commanding concole:
   * load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-scripts '''CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl''' and '''CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl''' and the parameters '''calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2''' and '''model=FM1''' (TBC)
   * use CUS script '''SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_swon_cs_perf_OBS.cus''' for conducting this test (called by tcl-script) '''Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl''')
   * CSs will not be switched-off

 * comment:
   if necessary (e.g. in phase of control loop optimization) the temperature values in the CUS-script should be adapted

= Optimum Bias Setting PTD 1.2.1_2_17 =

 * set OGSE BB Temperatures (BB1=25.3K;BB2=24.7K) with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl
 * verify flip mirrors if on correct position
 * wait for stabilization
 * set OGSE Chopper Wheel (CW;ROT;438mHz) with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl
 * set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)
 * upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script '''CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl''' with parameters '''fileU=CONFChopper''' and '''calUcol=ZEISSoffset2'''
 * switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
 * enable chopper and check if it it is stable
 * move chopper to Pos 0 manually
 * switch-on and enable grating
 * heater to 1.5mA
 * use '''SPEC_detector_fmilt121_part1_OBS''' for red array (1648 sec)
 * after end of test which lasts about 1648 sec perhaps switch-off chopper wheel
 * put FW to Pos B
Instruction for Thomas:
 * put FW to Pos B
 * set OGSE BBs to new temp (BB1=32.75K;BB2=31.25K) with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl
 * wait for stabilization
 * set OGSE Chopper Wheel (CW;ROT;438mHz) with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl
 * set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)
 * upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script '''CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl''' with parameters '''fileU=CONFChopper''' and '''calUcol=ZEISSoffset2'''
 * switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
 * enable chopper and check if it it is stable
 * move chopper to Pos 0 manually
 * switch-on and enable grating
 * use '''SPEC_detector_fmilt121_part2_OBS''' for blue array (12198 sec)
 * after end of the script put OGSE BBs down to 4K with '''OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl''' and switch-off Chopper wheel with '''OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl'''

 BV: check grating position
 HD&BV: get from PR and RH values for detector heater and stabilization time
  * Heater temperature stabilisation time: 15min
    CUS script changed: 10 minutes wait + 8 minutes
    Before analysis, check that temperature and signal are constant over the 8 min.
  * Blue Heater conversions Kelvin - mA :
  || Heater temperature K || Heater current mA||
  || 2.1 || 0.54 ||
  || 2.3 || 1.10 ||
  || 2.5 || 1.51 ||
  || 2.7 || 1.84 ||
  || 2.9 || 2.15 ||

= CRE Check Out Voltage PTD 1.2.4 =

 * set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)
 * upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script '''CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl''' with parameters '''fileU=CONFChopper''' and '''calUcol=CSLopt1'''
 * start diag. HK using '''SPEC_Chopper_dhk_4hk_1khz_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
 * switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
 * enable chopper and check if it it is stable
 * stop diag. HK using '''SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS.cus''' (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)
 * start '''SPEC_detector_fmilt124_30mV_detsel_llc_OBS.cus''' (Generic)
 * start '''SPEC_detector_fmilt124_60mV_detsel_llc_OBS.cus''' (Generic)
 * if necessary disable and switch-off chopper

H. Dannerbauer; 07-Dec-2006

Index TableOfContents(2)

1. Determination of Chopper Offset

  • for detailed test description see PTD_2.3.1 (->file attachment:chopper.pdf) or in CVS

  • Chopper has to be switched-off and controller disabled
  • upload Chopper CPRs with position offset of zero using tcl-script CONF_Chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU and calUcol

  • start PacketRecorder

  • start diag. HK with SPEC_Chopper_dhk_imt_OBS using Generic_CUS_script.tcl

  • determine chopper offset (chop_offset) from DM_CHOP_CUR_POS
  • include the new chopper offset in chopper control parameter set
  • stop diag. HK with SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS using Generic_CUS_script.tcl

  • close PacketRecorder

  • switch-on chopper
  • load up chopper control parameters including the new offset
    • -> tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU and calUcol

  • enable chopper controller in order to upload new control parameter set
    • -> EnDis_chopper_OBS.tcl and parameter onoff ON

2. Chopper Open Loop Measurements

  • for detailed test description see PTD_2.3.1 (->file attachment:chopper.pdf) or in CVS

  • it is recommended to upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU and calUcol

  • test should be operated in nominal spectroscopic mode; to do this execute the GeGa SFT; e.g. for He2 use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)

  • chopper controller has to be at least disabled
  • start diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_4hk_1khz_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)

  • start PacketRecorder

  • start script SPEC_Chopper_OpenLoop_MoveAbs_OBS.tcl given following parameters: chop_max_ma (maximum current in mA), chop_step_ma (current step width in mA) and chop_damptime (plateau duration in sec)

  • close PacketRecorder

  • stop diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)

  • at the end of the test chopper controller is disabled; if necessary switch-off chopper

3. Chopper Control Loop Parameters (CALU table) - Version: 12 March 2007

  • the valid control loop parameters are defined in the file CONFChopper located on oper@pacs5 in the directory toREG/CALU

  • it contains the columns accessible for the upload of chopper parameters
  • current default: CSLopt3-600

  • the individual columns are characterised as follows:







stable fallback parameter set, Warning! Oscillations occur at deflections > 4.1 deg!

Working well. This is the default parameter set for now.

potentially dangerous, not tested

adapted from CSLopt3-600

Use under warm conditions only! Otherwise the chopper will be damaged!


use if other settings fail

use as default

do not use

use for cold SFT

use for warm SFT

Date of creation

Feb 28, 2007 (MN)

Mar 02, 2007 (MN)

Mar 02, 2007 (MN)

Mar 12, 2007 (MN)

Mar 12, 2007 (MN)


CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)

CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)

CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)

CSL EGSE at MPE (Benoit)



+/- 5 deg (14000 units)

+/- 9.5 deg (25000 units)

+/- 5 deg (14000 units)

+/- 9.5 deg (25000 units)

+/- 9.5 deg (25000 units)


+/- 65 mA (16013 units)

+/- 110 mA (27100 units)

+/- 110 mA (27100 units)

+/- 110 mA (27100 units)

+/- 110 mA (27100 units)


310 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 10 ms ramp

550 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 5.8 ms ramp

550 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 26000 units at 5.8 ms ramp

29 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 12000 at 50 ms ramp

29 units, calculated for chopper pos +/- 12000 at 50 ms ramp

Notch filter

550 Hz, DA=3

600 Hz, DA=3

550 Hz, DA=3

600 Hz, DA=3

730 Hz, DA=2

Offset mech. ZP

-1195 units

-1195 units

-1195 units

-1195 units

0 units

Transition time at +/- 4 deg


approx. 17 ms

approx. 17 ms



Transition time at +/- 9 deg


approx. 75 ms

approx. 75 ms



4. Chopper Standard Tests

  • prerequisites:
    • PACS either in spectroscopic or in photometric mode.
    • Chopper Controller must be switched on and enabled.
    • Following scripts are prepared and have to be carried out with the "Generic" tcl-script. Furthermore we propose the following name convention for the telemetry files:



Telemetry-file name convention













  • short test description:
    • There are two procedures for every detector setup: either for PHOT or for SPEC
    • Both procedures are to be used, depending on the current detector setup: first carry out "...Standard_1...", followed then by "...Standard_2...".
    • For each test, we will do chopping both in the science and in the calibration window. For the science window, we selected two parameter sets:
      1. chopping between -3000 and + 3000 -> reflected in "...Standard_1..."

      2. chopping between -12000 and +12000 -> reflected in "...Standard_2...".

      In the calibration window we only have one parameter set, chopping between -23382 and +22347 (=+-8.5deg). The chop frequency is 2Hz and in each window 20 chop cycles will be conducted.
    • In spectroscopic mode, we use the OBCP27 (OBCP_grat_line_scan_chop_2) and in photometric mode the OBCP4 (OBCP_chopped_photometry).
    • At the moment, we are working on a pcss-script to analyse the telemetry data as soon as they are taken. The data analysis of these tests will be carried out by our MPIA ICC team.

5. Verify function of Ge:Ga detectors, CREs and detector heaters PTD 0.7.3 (TBD!)

  • for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.3 (->file attachment:vergega.pdf) or in CVS

  • prerequisites:
    • PACS in spectroscopic mode
    • blue detector heater should be around 2.1 K
  • short test description:
    • procedures consists of two tests, one in loss-less compression mode to get raw ramps and one in default mode
    • start with test in loss-less compression mode; detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel DXS7602 in both channels; execute CUS script SPEC_detector_fmilt073_detsel_llc_OBS.cus (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 1659 seconds

    • do then test in default mode; therefore, execute CUS script SPEC_detector_fmilt073_standard_OBS.cus (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 134

6. Chopper SFT in Open Loop mode (replacing PTD 0.7.5)

  • Main scripts:
    • PACS_Chopper_SFT_Cold_OpenLoop_OBS (for SFT at He I and He II)

    • PACS_Chopper_SFT_Warm_OpenLoop_OBS (for SFT at room temperature)

  • Duration: 7 min each (+ overhead for code generation)
  • Dependencies:
  • Requirements:
    • PACS switched on
    • GeGa spectrometer switched on

    • chopper disabled and switched off
  • replaces previous closed loop SFT scripts:
    • PACS_Chopper_SFT_Init_Cold
    • PACS_Chopper_SFT_Init_Warm
    • PACS_Chopper_SFT_PTP_0_7_5_Master_Spec

6.1. General description

The scripts carry out the cold and warm SFT of the FM1 chopper in open-loop mode. It is designed to apply all necessary settings as previously defined in the aforementioned superseded scripts. The new script functions as follows:

  1. setup diagnostic HK at 1 kHz
  2. synchronisation to blue spectrometer
  3. configure chopper control parameters for SFT (also needed in open loop)
  4. switch on chopper
  5. configure open loop (chopper coil setting)
  6. enable chopper controller (applies open loop)
  7. put chopper to zero position
  8. perform first movement pattern
  9. put chopper to zero position
  10. perform second movement pattern
  11. put chopper to zero position
  12. disable chopper controller
  13. unset open loop
  14. set default chopper control parameters
  15. switch off chopper
  16. stop diagnostic HK

At the end, the chopper remains disabled and switched off.

6.2. First movement pattern

Starting at zero, the chopper coil current is commanded in steps of 4 mA, alternating between positive and negative values. The maximum current is 20 mA. Using DMC_MOVE_CHOP_ABS, the resulting command pattern is as follows: 0,4,-4,8,-8,12,-12,16,-16,20,-20 This corresponds to a current command pattern in commanding units according to: 0, 984, -984, 1968, -1968, 2952, -2952, 3936, -3936, 4920, -4920 The chopper will follow accordingly. For the field-plate readout, the steps should be around 2307 readout units and the maximum value should lie around +/-11535 readout units. Each chopper position will be maintained for 15 seconds in order to allow for dampening the oscillations that occur after each movement.

6.3. Second movement pattern

Starting at -20 mA, the chopper current is commanded in steps of 4 mA up to a value of +20 mA. Using DMC_MOVE_CHOP_REL, the chopper will carry out 10 consecutive movements corresponding to increasing coil currents of 4 mA each.

7. Chopper Synchronization PTD 0.7.6 (TBD!)

7.1. Spectroscopic Mode (TBD!)

  • for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.6_spec (->file attachment:chopsynspec.pdf) or in CVS

  • prerequisites:
    • PACS in spectroscopic mode
    • setup Chopper Configuration Parameter for 8 degree; use from CAL-U table CONFChopper the column FM_sa2_81deg

  • short test description:
    • we use the SPU mode loss less compression
    • detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel DXS7602 in both channels

    • use CUS script SPEC_Chopper_fmilt076spec_detsel_llc_OBS.cus for conducting this test (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 865 seconds

7.2. Photometeric Mode (TBD!)

  • for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.6_phot (->file attachment:chopsynphot.pdf) or in CVS

  • prerequisites:
    • PACS in photometric mode
    • setup Chopper Configuration Parameter for 8 degree; use from CAL-U table CONFChopper the column FM_sa2_81deg; to do this do following:

      • if chopper controller enabled, disable chopper controller with CUS script XXX (called by tcl-script XXX with parameters XXX)

      • do chopper configuration with CUS script XXX (called by tcl-script XXX with parameters XXX)

      • enable chopper controller with CUS script XXX (called by tcl-scritp XXX with parameters XXX)

  • short test description:
    • we use the SPU mode loss less compression
    • detector selection table with 14 randomly selected pixel DXS7602 in both channels

    • use CUS script PHOT_Chopper_fmilt076phot_detsel_llc_OBS.cus for conducting this test (called by tcl-script Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl); script lasts 51 seconds

8. Internal Calibration Sources PTD 0.7.11_12 & 2.5.3

  • prerequisites:
    • PACS in spectroscopic mode
  • for detailed test description see PTD_0.7.11_12 (->file attachment:cs.pdf) or in CVS

  • the test is divided in several parts:

8.1. Day 16:

  • load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-scripts CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl and CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl and the parameters calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2 and model=FM1

  • heat-up of CSs including switching-on, enabling and setting of temperature: SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_heatup_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)

  • switch-off CSs with SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_switchoff_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)

8.2. Day 17:

  • if necessary change CSs control-parameter in CAL-U table CONFCs1Cs2 -> PTD 2.5.3

  • load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-script CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl and CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl and the parameters calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2 and model=FM1 (TBC)

  • heat-up of CSs including switching-on, enabling and setting of temperature: SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_heatup_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)

  • switch-off CSs with SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_switchoff_cs_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)

8.3. Day 18:

  • this test has two heat-up's and cool-down
    • short test description:
    • switch-on and enable CSs
    • heat-up to CS1 and CS2 temperature value XX/XX (TBD) and stabilization at temperature plateau for in total 80 minutes
    • go to a second temperature plateau (CS1=XX/CS2=XX;TBD) - 60 minutes
    • cool-down (CS1=XX/CS2=XX;TBD) - script stops then 60 seconds after commanding the cool-down values; stop of recording file should be done after 60(TBD) minutes
  • Conduct following steps at commanding concole:
    • load up CSs control parameter set using tcl-scripts CONF_CS1_OBS.tcl and CONF_CS2_OBS.tcl and the parameters calUfile=CONFCs1Cs2 and model=FM1 (TBC)

    • use CUS script SPEC_CS_fmilt071112_swon_cs_perf_OBS.cus for conducting this test (called by tcl-script) Generic_CUS_OBS.tcl)

    • CSs will not be switched-off
  • comment:
    • if necessary (e.g. in phase of control loop optimization) the temperature values in the CUS-script should be adapted

9. Optimum Bias Setting PTD 1.2.1_2_17

  • set OGSE BB Temperatures (BB1=25.3K;BB2=24.7K) with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl
  • verify flip mirrors if on correct position
  • wait for stabilization
  • set OGSE Chopper Wheel (CW;ROT;438mHz) with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl
  • set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)

  • upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU=CONFChopper and calUcol=ZEISSoffset2

  • switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
  • enable chopper and check if it it is stable
  • move chopper to Pos 0 manually
  • switch-on and enable grating
  • heater to 1.5mA
  • use SPEC_detector_fmilt121_part1_OBS for red array (1648 sec)

  • after end of test which lasts about 1648 sec perhaps switch-off chopper wheel
  • put FW to Pos B

Instruction for Thomas:

  • put FW to Pos B
  • set OGSE BBs to new temp (BB1=32.75K;BB2=31.25K) with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl
  • wait for stabilization
  • set OGSE Chopper Wheel (CW;ROT;438mHz) with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl
  • set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)

  • upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU=CONFChopper and calUcol=ZEISSoffset2

  • switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
  • enable chopper and check if it it is stable
  • move chopper to Pos 0 manually
  • switch-on and enable grating
  • use SPEC_detector_fmilt121_part2_OBS for blue array (12198 sec)

  • after end of the script put OGSE BBs down to 4K with OGSEBBSetUp_OBS.tcl and switch-off Chopper wheel with OGSEOpticsSetUp_OBS.tcl BV: check grating position

    HD&BV: get from PR and RH values for detector heater and stabilization time

    • Heater temperature stabilisation time: 15min
      • CUS script changed: 10 minutes wait + 8 minutes Before analysis, check that temperature and signal are constant over the 8 min.
    • Blue Heater conversions Kelvin - mA :

      Heater temperature K

      Heater current mA











10. CRE Check Out Voltage PTD 1.2.4

  • set spectroscopic housekeeping (e.g., use PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Cold_He2_OBS - generic)

  • upload proper control parameter's using tcl-script CONF_chopper_OBS.tcl with parameters fileU=CONFChopper and calUcol=CSLopt1

  • start diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_4hk_1khz_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)

  • switch-on chopper and check if it is stable
  • enable chopper and check if it it is stable
  • stop diag. HK using SPEC_Chopper_dhk_stop_OBS.cus (Generic_CUS_script.tcl)

  • start SPEC_detector_fmilt124_30mV_detsel_llc_OBS.cus (Generic)

  • start SPEC_detector_fmilt124_60mV_detsel_llc_OBS.cus (Generic)

  • if necessary disable and switch-off chopper

Herschel: PACS/FM_ILT_Procedures/MPIAprocedures (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:36 by localhost)