Size: 933
← Revision 5 as of 2009-07-15 14:32:36 ⇥
Size: 933
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- In the current configuration PACS5 is the operational database and "pacs_fm_ilt_3" is the operational database
To achieve versioning control, any change to CUS (amended or new script) will generate a new CUS model.
- Scripts may be amended/created using the built-in editor of the CUSGUI, or standard editting of the ASCII copy of the script, to be found in the directory /home/oper/toREG/Name_of_Script.cus
If the script was modified within the CUSGUI, you must Commit your changes. If you have amended/created a file in toREG/, you must issue cus -f -import Name_of_Script.cus
A dedicated procedure, invoked as ccm -updatecus, creates the new model, updates the local CVS, and conditions testcontrol to work with the new model.
Only the test conductor should perform the updatecus procedure (the procedure stops testcontrol, causing any running TOPE task to abort in error)