Updating the CUS database for IMT at Astrium


Author: Erich WiezorrekBR Version: 1.0BR Date: October 28, 2205BR


Usually updates for the CUS database are received via email form where they have to be extracted to single files. The rest of this procedure descriptions assumes following file extensions.


Updating CUS procedures and tables

Go to the directory where to place the input MIB files. Create the directory if it doesn't exist (BUT is shall exist on our operational server).

cd ~/mib/raw

Unzip the empty_mib_files.zip archive to make sure all necessary input files for the MIBingestion exists.BR Unzip the PACS_MIB_7_18.zip archive. When asked to overwrite files select the option to overwrite all files.BR On the operational server those archives are in the parent directory.

unzip ../empty_mib_files.zip
unzip ../PACS_MIB_7_18.zip

Go to the parent directory and run MIBpreparation and MIBingestion.

cd ..
preparemib ~/mib/raw ~/mib
ingestmib | & tee test.log

Congratulation, it's done.

Loading the initial CUS definitions:

Go to the directory where to place CUS files. Create the directory if it doesn't exist (BUT is shall exist on our operational server).

cd ~/cus

Unzip the cus-definitions.zip archive which holds all initial CUS definitions including the CUS tables..

unzip cus-definitions.zip

Load the TC definitions from the currently loaded MIB

cd ~/cus
cus -loadmib 1 <<EOF |& tee test.log
initial MIB version

Load the CUS tables

cat listOfCalibrationTables |xargs -t -i cus -m "Initial version" -uploadcal tables/\{\} \{\}

Load the CUS definitions (observing modes, building blocks, procedures)

cus -m "Initial version" -import registryDefinitions

Congratulation, it's done.

Loading a MIB update

Go to the directory where to place the input MIB files. Create the directory if it doesn't exist (BUT is shall exist on our operational server). Remove all existing files ending with "*.dat".

cd ~/mib/raw
rm *.dat

Unzip the empty_mib_files.zip archive to make sure all necessary input files for the MIBingestion exists.BR Unzip the new PACS MIB archive. When asked to overwrite files select the option to overwrite all files.BR On the operational server the empty_mib_files.zip archive is in the parent directory.

unzip ../empty_mib_files.zip
unzip yourPath/PACS_MIB_x_y.zip

Go to the parent directory and run MIBpreparation and MIBingestion.

cd ..
preparemib ~/mib/raw ~/mib
ingestmib | & tee test-PACS-MIB-x-y.log

If the MIB contains new TC definitions to be used by CUS those definitions must be loaded by CUS.BR The problem is to know the new MIB version number to be used during loading. The "cus -listmibs" shall list MIB versions which have not been loaded yet. If there is only a line printed "New mibs available" but no numbers this means there are NO new MIBs.

In the statements below replace TBW with the MIB version number to be used listed with the "cus -listmibs" command.

cd ~/cus
cus -listmibs
cus -loadmib TBW <<EOF |& tee test-TBW.log
MIB version TBW

Congratulation, it's done.

Loading an update of CUS definitions (observation, building block, procedure):

Go to the directory where to place CUS files.BR Create the directory a patch directory and step into this directory.BR Don't use "patch1" but use a more verbose name.BR

cd ~/cus
mkdir patch1
cd patch1

Place the CUS definition text files in this directory.

cp whatever .

Loading the CUS tables if there are any updates.BR Replace COMMENT with a real comment, FILE is the actual filename. The TABLE name is optional if missing the filename is used.

cus -f -m "COMMENT" -uploadcal FILE [TABLE]

Load the CUS definitions (observing modes, building blocks, procedures) if there are any updates.BR Replace COMMENT with a real comment, FILE is the actual filename.

cus -f -m "COMMENT" -import FILE

Congratulation, it's done.