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// Purpose : Prepare for Spectroscopy // // Author : H. Feuchtgruber // // Arguments : none // // CRE setup according to the DEC/MEC User's Manual // // 1. DMC_SWON_B_DEC to switch on the DEC // 2. Wait 8 seconds to get the 1355 connection between DEC and CPU board // 3. Send the complete set of default parameters. // First send a DMC_WRT_B_SPEC_PAR command with these values // (in hex: 20-8-18C-0-0-EA60-0-0). // 3a. Then, send a DMC_SET_PAR_B_SPEC to really send the parameters to the DEC. // 4. DMC_SWON_B_SPEC to switch on the detector array // 5. Wait 15 seconds to let the switch on procedure run and all voltages // become stables // 6. Then, to activate the CREs (signal SELECT on the CREs), send the first // 3 parameters, i.e. DMC_WRT_B_SPEC_PAR command with these // values (length: 3, values in hex : 20- 8-18E). // 6a. Then, send a DMC_SET_PAR_B_SPEC to really send the parameters to the DEC. // Note: with this command, we set bit1 to 1 (activate CRE). Bit0 // has been set to 1 by the DMC_SWON_B_SPEC command but, // bit0 is not commandable through the DMC_WRT_B_SPEC_PAR. // The only way to switch on/off the detector array is to use the // trigger commands. // 7. Then, you should set the bias voltages by writing the first 4 or 5 // parameters of the block. Make sure to copy the latest values you use // for the first 3 parameters. // // Description : Sets CRE parameters (see list of arguments). // User specifies cre_ctrl_xx as: // cre_ctrl: 256 to set "sync width=2" // 128 to set "T sensor on" // 2 to set "select" // 1 power on (not relevant here) // Script adds capa_xx to cre_ctrl_xx // xx_cre_ctrl = capa_xx + cre_ctrl_xx // xx_cre_ctrl gets written to the CRE register // Must be called on a stopped SPU. This procedure will // neither stop nor start SPU (call SPEC_spu_reset and // SPEC_spu_setup respectively for that) //// Description : Section "Initial detector setup" from SetupSpectroscopy.tcl, // v2.8 // // Comments : // // Version : 0.4 // History : 0.1 3-jul-2006 initial version // : 0.2 10-nov-2006 TM: inclusion of the CRE selection // 0.3 16-nov-2006 Revision for copy to OpDataBase // 0.4 11-feb-2008 DAC removed two spurious debug print
Input variable(s):
procedure SPEC_init_det_setup { }{