Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2008-02-12 16:33:19
Size: 2348
Editor: dcesarsky
Revision 3 as of 2009-07-15 14:32:36
Size: 2348
Editor: localhost
Comment: converted to 1.6 markup
No differences found!


// Purpose       : Change filter wheel in spectroscopy
//                 Attention: there is only one controller for
//                 the filter wheels and the grating, but different
//                 sets of controller parameters!
// CUS script    : Diego A. Cesarsky
// Description   : This script will change the spectrometer filter
//                 into a specified position. This can be a predefined
//                 position (with mode = 'ABS') or a relative position
//                 (with mode = 'REL').
//                 This script performs the following operations (section
//                 4.4.8 of the DEC/MEC User's Manual):
//                "Consider that the grating is powered on and that an
//                 acquisition sequence has ended. To change the filter wheel
//                 position now:
//               1. Disable the grating controller (DMC_DISABLE_GRAT_CONT)
//               2. Switch-on the spectro filter wheel controller
//                  (DMC_SWON_FW_SPEC). Note : this will switch-off the
//                  grating controller and the photo filter wheel controller
//                  but the grating position encoder will remain powered-on
//                  and will then continue reading the position.
//               3. Any of the 2 move commands can be sent
//               4. Switch-on the grating controller (DMC_SWON_GRAT_CONT)
//               5. Enable the grating controller (DMC_ENABLE_GRAT_CONT)
//               6. Start the new acquisition sequence."
// Comments      : This script should be executed after the
//                 switch-on procedure and the MEC setup
// Version       : 0.1 11-Oct-2004 Creation by DAC, based on TM's
//                                 V1.1 of tm_spec_fil_switch.tcl
// History       : 0.2 18-Oct-2004 Normalized variable names
//                 0.3 22-apr-2005 DAC Converted into procedure
//                                 Removed useless delays, read move time
//                                 from PACSparams
//               :

Input variables:

int procedure SPEC_fltw_move {
    string filter_id = "POS A" in ["POS A","POS B"]; // Predefined positions [POS A, POS B]

Herschel: PACS/CUSPVscripts/SpecFltwMove (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:36 by localhost)