
This procedure is one of several called by the top level building block PHOT_setup.

// Purpose       : Prepare DPU and DMC for photometry
// CUS author    : DAC
// Script file   : PHOT_dpu_dmc_setup.txt
// Description   : This script will set the DPU HK list, write and set the
//                 FPGA timing parameters (if necessary), set the
//                 synchronization source for the sequencer, forward data
//                 to the packet encoder and validate the sciece data
// Version       : 2.1
// History       : 0.1 11-apr-2005 creation by DAC; based on V1.2 of TM
//                 0.2 13-apr-2005 DAC Graded as a procedure
//                 0.3 20-oct-2005 DAC Use FPGA parameters from SPEC
//               : 1.0 12-apr-2006 update by TM for new FPGA parameter settings
//                                 taking out switch-on of temp sensors
//                 1.1 11-aug-2006 TM delay(1) introduced between sequential
//                                 FPGA parameter settings
//                 2.0 21-nov-2006 Removed "duree" information; introduced
//                                 CAL file holding FPGA parametrer phase_inc
//                                 Spelled out FPGA parameters
//                 2.1 15-jan-2008 Script renamed *txt for PV database, added
//                                 demanded TC as per SCR-0797

Input variables:

procedure PHOT_dpu_dmc_setup {
    string hk_list = "BOTH Array" in ["BOTH Array","BLUE Array","RED Array"];
    /* sync source                                  */
    /* 1 = synchronize on blue spectrometer ramps   */
    /* 2 = synchronize on red spectrometer ramps    */
    /* 4 = synchronize on BOL readouts              */
    int sync_srce = 4;