
This script defines a number of desired HK items and starts the HK generation.

// Purpose       : Switch on/off diagnostic HK
// Author        : Markus Nielbock
// Description   : This building block switches on/off diagnaostic HK.
//                 Receiving signals:
//                   ON: switch on diagnostic HK
//                   OFF: switch off diagnostic HK
// Dependencies  :
// Preconditions : PACS switched-on, chopper is switched on
// Comments      : following parameters are copied to the HK
//                 242      DMC_IRS_CNT
//                 244      DMC_CHOP_CUR_POS
//                 245      DMC_CHOP_SETPOIN
//                 258      DMC_CHOP_OUTPUT
//                 561      DMC_CHOP_IA
// Version       : 1.2
// History       : 1.0 15-12-06 creation by MN
//               : 1.1 03-01-07 modified HK list (MN)
//               : 1.2 08-03-07 modified HK list (MN)

Input variable(s):

block PACS_SPEC_Chopper_OpenLoop_MoveAbs_dHK_BB PACS 430 {
    string onoff = "OFF" in ["ON","OFF"];