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← Revision 2 as of 2009-07-15 14:32:36 ⇥
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// Purpose : Warm SFT of Ge:Ga detector chain // Author : H. Feuchtgruber // Arguments : none // Description : This script will switch on and set all required parameters // for a test of the Ge:Ga detector chain at RT temperature. // Dummy resistor bias = 10 mV, detector bias = 2 mV // Version : 1.0 // History : 1.0 / 16-Nov-2004 initial version // 1.1 7-mar-2006 TeleCommand Pacs_DMC_SET_B_SPEC_HEAT_1_C renamed // TeleCommand Pacs_DMC_SET_B_SPEC_HEAT_2_C renamed // 1.2 24-mar-2006 Large overhaul based on // SetupSpectroscopyWEplusFPUsim.tcl script // 1.3 27-nov-2006 Changed bias_d to LB value: 1mV // 2.0 8-feb-2007 Added switchoff SPECs and DECs //
Input variable(s):
procedure PACS_GeGa_SFT_Init_Warm { }{