
Building block to place the chopper at position chop_abs_pos.

// Purpose      : Move chopper to absolute position
// Author       : Helmut Dannerbauer
// CUS author   : HD
// Description  : Move chopper to an absolute position
// Dependencies :
// Preconditions   : PACS switched-on and chopper enabled.
// Comments     : This script is based on the commanding during the CQM ILT.
// Version      : 3.0
// History      : 1.0 21-07-05 creation by HD. Based on EQM IMT script
//                               "Chop_mov_abs.txt"
//                2.0 24-07-06 HD. test this script.
//                3.0 24-07-06 HD. script works.
//                3.1 21-jan-2008 DAC Added WriteEndBB

Input variable(s):

block PACS_Chopper_mov_abs_fm_bb PACS 355 {
    int chop_abs_pos = 0; // chopper absolute position