

Note that this procedure switches ON/OFF the chopper whereas EnDis_chopper enables/disables the chopper controller.

// Purpose       : Switch on/off the chopper electronics
// Author CUS    : MN
// Input arguments
// Type    Name          DefVal   Description
// string  on_off        "ON"     ON: switch on chopper, OFF: switch off
// Version       : 0.1 08-03-2007 First creation
//               :

Input variable(s):

procedure PACS_Chopper_SWON_SWOF_only {
    string on_off = "ON" in ["ON","OFF"];

Herschel: PACS/CUSPVscripts/PACS_Chopper_SWON_SWOF_only (last edited 2009-07-15 14:32:37 by localhost)