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Notes for AFS on Windows:
(From the OpenAFS 1.4 Manual)
3.23. NETBIOS over TCP/IP must be enabled
"Netbios over TCP/IP" must be active on the machine in order for communication with the AFS Client Service to succeed. If "Netbios over TCP/IP" is disabled on the machine, then communication with the AFS Client Service will be impossible.
3.36. Windows RPC client support must be installed
If the installer refuses to install and complains about an RPC configuration error, check to ensure that the following registry entries are present and that they refer to the dll "rpcrt4.dll":
HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RPC\ClientProtocols" "ncacn_np" HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RPC\ClientProtocols" "ncacn_ip_tcp" HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RPC\ClientProtocols" "ncadg_ip_udp" HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RPC\ClientProtocols" "ncacn_http"